Use of Mass Gainers.

So im a 17 yr old graduated football player trying to get ready for college ball, i weight about 158 lb and im 5"9. I am considering implementing Mass Gainers into my workouts. I have researched them and heard that they have unhealthy stuff and make you somewhat slower. But im taking speed training classes at a top notch facility (that i was graced with having the abiility to go there free) and i condition my body with plyometrics, speed drills, agility drills, and conditiong drills, ALONG with weight room workouts. Everything is working completely fine, im taking rests when needed and taking days to recover but i wanted to know that if i take the mass gainer in place of one of the 6 meals that i take daily and only put a fraction of the actual amount so i have 25g of protein would it be ok to take it? Soooo to summarize it, im under a VERY intense OVERALL conditioning routine so i should be able to burn off any negative supplements in the mass gainer, so do you all think i should still take it?
Thank you for your comments and suggestions.
If you're hoping to use the weight gainer immediately before or after the workout period, look for one that contains as little fat as possible and that has a higher carbohydrate content. This is the prime time to feed your muscles fast acting carbohydrates so they can drive the insulin cycle and get the amino acids into the muscle cells quickly
Congrats on your graduation and best of luck in the future.

First of all, think of mass gainers as a beefed up protein shake (or meal replacement shake). I currently supplement a mass gainer into my every day diet instead of using a whey isolate. Due to my exercise routine and metabolism, I burn a lot of calories and have a hard time keeping up with eating regular meals. The mass gainer I use has 50g protein, 75g carbs, and 12g fat per serving @ 600 calories. On top of this, I mix in peanut butter and whole milk. Over the past 9 months I have consistently gained weight while losing body fat.

If you are looking to gain some weight but have a hard time ingesting enough food, I completely support you adding a mass gainer to your diet. You aren't going to "get slower" from mass gainers, or lose agility. As long as your diet is correct and you are exercising like you say, it will only help you.
just research the mass gainer you are going to buy. Some are great and contain quality ingredients plus vitamin complex and healthy oils (better than many meals!) some are really cheap and full of rubbish like fillers, aspartame, hydrogenated vegetable oils - just stuff you wouldn't ever eat, so why drink it!
No need. Mass gainer is simply a way of getting lots of calories fast. Why not eat ice cream instead?

The whole point about mass gain is to put on weight -- which can be fat and muscle. But in most cases, it'll be fat if you're gaining lots of weight.

I think you're better off going for lean muscle gain. In my experience you only need a 300-400 energy (calorie) surplus to do this effectively.

So yah, mass gainers are a convenient (but less tasty) way of getting protein and calories...

Hope this helps.
Get a good quality mass gainer, otherwise you might as well just eat icecream as SamSam says, lol. There are often ones with creatine and other things added in which are good. Try and avoid high sugar ones (although you will be wanting some sugar).

They will add weight to you, but can be quite expensive for what they are, and I have often wondered if they are really worth the price. If you have a busy schedule then sure, but if you have to time for getting food in you then have a think about that. It will be healthier and probably cheaper.