Unhappy..rate my pics / advice?

Ive been struggling with my weight since i was about 13 by the time i was 17 i was up to about 240lbs...when i was 18 i decided to lose the weight and got rid of most of it within a year and got to where i am today over the next year. i lost the weight by cutting calories and doing alot of cardio for the first year, then the second i started to slack of and just ate very few calories and didnt exercise as much. Right now i am 20 years old 5'8 and around 155lbs... when i have clothes on no one can notice it so everyone things i should be really happy with myself, but under the clothes i just hate what i see and it brings me down every day and pretty much kills my self confidence...my plan is to put on about 10 lbs of muscle then to cut and try to burn off the fat..its is like dough that haunts my mid section and butt lol.....any advice? how bad does this look?


and my least favorite

Looks like the average joe. Read up on the lifting stickies and the nutrition, and go for something with moderate calories, high protein, good carbs, and healthy fats.
You look like you have a little bit of a belly which is normal. Start doing some cardio, perhaps the treadmill and if you want to build up muscle, get some advice from the weight training area - I am a female so what I say for weight training will be different to what you want to achieve
christ..you call that depressing? If I posted a photo of my belly, people here would puke on their keyboards.