Tummy Tucks discussion...

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So I'm losing weight at a steady rate and working on making my body the best it can be. I know that at some point I will have a tummy tuck. This is predetermined and I see it as a part of my weight loss journey.

My stomach hangs over, and the fact is nothing but surgery can fix it even after I hit my goal weight. In fact, I've thought of making my ultimate goal weight 140 lbs instead of 135lbs, just to account for the extra weight that I assume my "apron" will add. I also know that I'll have batwings for arms, but have decided against that type of surgery due to the visible scars it would leave.

So what's everyone's thoughts on tummy tucks? Anyone ever had it before? If so I'd love to hear your story.
Good for you.

:D I had a tummy tuck done, many many years ago, after having my last son,this was 24 yrs ago, I was left with a what looked like a tire around my waist, and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself.... i knew nomatter how much weight I would loose, that loose skin was never going to go away, I never regret it, don't remember being majorly painfull, and to this day even if I gain weight, the loose skin is not there so it has not come back, now after so many years the procedure I hear has been a lot more perfected, as they do the muscles and all around your complete waist which I did not have done, but yes I agree with you 100% if it will make you feel good about yourself go right ahead, you won't regret it....
OH absolutely! she's right - you will never regret it and it makes you feel so much better! I had a breast reduction after my last one was born (again, +20 yrs ago) b/c I am only 5' and a 40DD was way too big for my frame! I was slumped over b/c of the heaviness plus my left arm was practically useless. Right after the surgery to a 36B, I walked straight and had the full use of my arm (evidently it was pinching a nerve) GO FOR IT!
I am definitely going for it. It won't happen for a while, but I'm going to start setting up consultations with some reputable plastic surgeons soon. I want to talk to as many doctors as possible while making my decision. I keep looking up before and after pictures online.
I have lost 75 lbs within 1.5 years (1lb a week roughly) and have maintained it for 6 months i am left with a skirt of skin YUCK, it does indeed bug me from time to time but after seeing my doctor and a few surgeons they all have said same thing.

When skin is stretched too far out it gets scared and permanently damaged the only way to fix this is with a tummy tuck or lower body lift. My doctor has also recommended me to maintain my currrent weight for another 3-6 months before getting surgery done to give skin a rest from the losing.

Here is some links.

I have many websites that i have researched i will post them here once i go through my book marks LOL

Hope this helps.
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I jsut wanted to post and tell you that I just got a tummy tuck done in November and I don't regret it. My skin did not hang out as much as others but it did and I couldn't get rid of it. I have to say that it was the most painful thing though. for 3 days I was in bed and felt like someone punched me in the stomach for 24 hours. I'm still numb in that area, but they say it'll be gone within 6 months to 1 year. I did got to hawaii with a nice flat tummy about a month later!
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hey gizmonel... just curious... i am at around 74lbs weight loss... im praying i wont need surgery... mind me asking what height/weight you started at and where you ended? Trying to kind of compare to see if ill need a surgery.. really hoping not.. im 25 and was 240lbs... im now 166.
I think it depends on the person. My mother lost 70 pounds at 50years old and while she had some hanging skin for a while, it went back into shape about 6 months later. Not everyone who loses a substantial amount of weight will need surgery of this kind, you just have to wait and see and be sure to give yourself some time for it to spring back into shape. My advice would be that if you give it time and it doesn't go back into shape, then consider the surgery but don't count your chickens as they say, you may not need it.
Count me in as another who had a tummy tuck...BEST thing I ever did! I absolutely love having a stomach I can bounce quarters of.
I won't lie though..the recovery was just absolutely awful but I would do it over again in a heartbeat
Yup Im definatly having a tummy tuck done after I acheive goal weight and maintain my size for a considerable period of time. Ive had 3 kids, My last pregnancy was twins and I am so badly stretched out of shape thanks to my beautiful little additions, I know once I reach 135lbs im gonna have overhang and when I reach 135lbs for the first time in such a long time I can barely remember it, I wanna feel sexy!! as I should!! not paranoid everyones looking at my saggy stomach so its a definate in my books.
It's something you should think very very carefully about. I've helped do a few of them and it's very drastic surgery! I was going to get one done, but after watching this, I don't think I would go through with it. There are risks, and you should educate yourself properly.

Wait a year after your loss to give the skin time to recover, it may go back to normal!
Gosh....can't imagine allowing someone to put a kitchen knife on my bacon:eek:

If you lose weight progressively and slowly over 3 - 9 months, have regular tummy massage, drink lots of water, and get good nutrition.......no worries about the tummy - it will tuck itself in due course.:)
My mother in law had one done last year and it was the best decision she ever made. She lived with hanging skin for years. She said the pain was just like a c-section except you cant stand up as straight with the tummy tuck though for a few weeks.

I have had 4 kids, and three of those were c-sections. My stomach hangs and I have been told for it to go away fully I will have to have a tummy tuck which I fully plan on doing along wtih a boob job. Sorry but breastfeeding does not do the boobs good either!!

Good luck to you
hey... I was just wondering how much weight ya lost before ya had the tummy tuck? I am in the process of losing weight now and my stomach dont hang over or anything but I am just trying to figure out if I will need a tummy tuck or not ya know? I was also wondering if ya had any before and after pics? Thanks soo much,
I want a tummy tuck now. Of course if I am wishing then I would wish to wake up tomorrow morning thin with tight skin...and I promise to take care of it this time! lol

I hold out little hope that my skin will shrink back up by itself, but I am going to give it a chance. BUT-as quickly as I can see that it is not going to go back (and I come up with the money), I will go under the knife without hesitation. While I am there, I would like to have a breast reduction also. Get them both done at once...
I forgot to mention: I have had three kids. The first two were born naturally and I had minimal "hanging apron skin", but after the third who was born via c-section I got a lot more dramatic hanging. I think the c-section scar acts as a sort of cinch and causes the pooch to be more pouchy-ish.

With my c-section I also had an emergency hysterectomy, so I am assuming the pain of a tummy tuck could be similar to that.

Can a tummy tuck be done under spinal anesthesia? I've had so much surgery done that I don't want to be put to sleep.

How much pain can I expect after the surgery? Hope much time is spent in the hospital. Does insurance cover it?

I am not sure if I am posting in the right spot but I have a question for you ladies who have had a tummy tuck. I have had four 10 pound babies over the past 12 years and nursed all of them for atleast one year. Needless to say my front side is mostly just a bunch of skin hanging down my body. It is depressing and my husband said I could have some repair done if I'd like. So, I would like to get a breast lift and inplants and a tummy tuck with a hernia repair. Do you think I would be able to handle getting that done when my smallest child is around 2? I do not have a lot of help other than my husband. He can take a couple of days off. Pain wise how do you think I would do. I have lost all my weight and I am so ready to have it done! I just don't want to not be able to take care of my little ones. Any advice?
I'm thinkin' about having a Tummy Tuck within a year. My highest weight was around 290 lbs and right now I am 165. I worked out a lot (Not recently due to a torn ligament) and A LOT firmed up but it was just too drastic. I have loose skin & even have to squish it in my jeans. It's not TOO bad -- but when I lose the last 30 is when I think it'll be too hard to deal with. Also, my mom knows a few ppl who got it covered by our insurance (if you lose over 100+ lbs) ect. So, hopefully that's an option!
Hi I have scheduled my TT and lipo of the hips and thighs for November 17th 2011 and am very excited. I have maintained my weight for almost a year in Dec and am ready to get rid of my muffine top. I have had 1 son who was 9 lb's. Had some complications with a blood clot in my left lung so decided he was a blessing and stopped with just him. I am 4 feet 11 on a good day my current weight is 145 and I wear a size 7-8 depending on the brand but I am large boned for my size. I had a breast reduction in July of 2006 was a 38DD.

I am turning 40 this year on 11-11-11 kinda weird I think and told my hubby I wanted a TT for my B-day he thinks I am silly but does understand. Thinks I am beautiful just the way I am.

I have been doing alot of research on how to prepare for my surgery and watching video's on you tube of procedures I think the video's are very interesting and helpful to watch. The discomfort part doesn't bother me I have a high pain tolorence and believe that with the right mind set it will all be just fine. When I had my breast reduction done on a Tue I went back to work on the next Monday. I was dental assisting in a childrens dental office at the time so alot of moving. Now I work at the Post Office in a small town still alot of moving but have it all worked out for time off.

Any suggestions for things to have on hand would be greatly appreciated.
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