Total Body Gym

Waz-Up All...

I went garage sale-ing today since I had the day off, and I bought me a Total Body Gym 1000 for $5.00 :D I figured I'd at least buy it for "kicks and giggles"... (plus I'm having a garage sale soon and could resell it)

But I was just wonder what other peoples experiences have been with it... I just hopped on it for 2-3 mins and it seems like it's more an upper body workout more than anything. Post you're info...
all i know about it are the commercials.

is that the one with chuck norris and that brinkely girl?

I highly doubt this is a "total body" workout, from the workout pamphlet, it looks like all arm workouts and mainly your triceps... plus some look like you don't go through your entire range of motion... But oh well, won't know till I try it...
lol... I really don't care about this machine... considering i've only owned it for 24 hrs... This topic was just to give people something to talk about. :rolleyes:

I got one of these things at a garage sale too! Mine cost 20 bucks! Dangit.

If I sent you mine or you sent me think we could make a plane out of the parts?

Right now, I just hang my sweatbands on the handles after working out.:D
I used to have one of these and did the same thing as all of you..used it as a clothes hanger:). However, if you are looking for a "total body workout" that will give a really good workout without getting bored (one of my main problems) check out This website showcases a bike that combines rowing and cycling and I just tried one out this weekend! I was scared of it at first sight but once I got on it I loved it!!! I could believe the workout it gave me.. a TOTAL BODY workout and its fun because you are outside!!
it all depends on how you use it. You can add weights to's sposed to work the smaller muscles and not let you cheat as much...if you set it up in a certain way you could do them situps that don't support your back...those are a workout. Get creative. It's only as useful as you make it.
btw, if you don't want it, I'd be willing to pay more than you did for I tried one out at Sears and thought it a decent piece of home equipment.
:rolleyes: total body workout, lmao

I know you can make anything into a piece of excercise equipment. I've seen people use coffee cans filled with cement.

I think it's good for old people like Chuck Norris and my mom.
I have the tbg. It's in storage now. If I had the room for it, I would still use it, but it's been replaced by a gym membership. When I was using it, it was fun and low-impact. If you work out with the video that comes with it, you can use it for all your extremities.