toning and targeting

m a 15 year old male and im pretty musclular. ive been a competative gymnast for about 11 years and i workout pretty regularly. however it seems that all i have as far as muscles is bulk and not definition. is thier any sort of way to workout to define instead of bulk up? less reps, slower. faster anything? or is it just i have a different body type?

my second question was about my lower abs. ive had the top too a six-pack for quite sometime but i cant ever seem to develop the bottom. is there anyway to target an area as far as fat burning?

thanx for any help

well i think it may be either diet or cardio, make sure before workouts you eat protein and carbs, but after the workout have simple carbs like an apple or something. keep your metabolism running, and do cardio every workout, hope some of this helps good luck!
I would recommend even higher reps at your age because doing heavy weights can cause damage to your body. Think closer to 20 reps ...
Also, try taking only a max of 30s between each set and each exercise ... works a bit of your cardio zone, which helps with burning fat.
whats metabolism? would it help if you wear one of those belts around your stomach when say running or when you're on a stationary cycle?????
Matabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. All things being equal (body makeup, caloric intake, workout routine, etc), some people will burn more calories than other people. This is why some people can eat whatever they want and stay skinny, but can't add muscle to save their lives and some can bulk up easy, but have a tough time losing fat. It all comes down to body type and metabolism.
You can find calculators on the net that will give you your basal metabolic rate (BMR), basically how many calories you burn at rest (ie just sitting there!). It is dependent on many factors. The more you build muscle mass, the more you will increase your metabolism.

About your toning question, I agree that at your age you should be lifting higher reps, though it is not unsafe for someone your age to be lifting for 15 reps, and you'd get more overload than going for 20. Cardio is important, you didn't mention whether or not you do any. You must not have a very high %BF, most gymnasts don't. Do you take any supplements you failed to mention? Sometimes they contain ingredients that make us retain water, giving the entire body a more bloated look. And definitely diet with regards to that as well.
I dont take any supplements at all. I feel like i should take vitamins or something but i dont have too much extra cash.

So too much water gives a bloated look huh? never thought of that.

Alright so from what ive been reading i should:
1) Do more reps
2) Lots of cardio
3) Diet

Sound like a plan?

Thanx for all the help

Drinking loads of water will not give you a bloated look so don't worry about that.
Sometimes they contain ingredients that make us retain water, giving the entire body a more bloated look
What Mogwai means by this statement is there are ingredients in some supplements that make the body hang on to water and therefore make you look bloated. If you are not using supplements than this is not happening to you.
Without those particular supplements the more water you drink the less water your body will hang on to because it will get use to the idea of a regular supply of fresh water coming in to the body. A lot of women in often don't drink much water because they think they will retain water and look fatter particularly at their time of the month. Trouble is the less water you drink the more water the body will retain. It's another survival mechanism.
For your lower abs, i recomend you do leg raises. You lie flat on the ground and raise your legs. Its better when you have someone stand above you and throw your legs down. And the rule to this is to never let your legs touch the ground until you are done with the certain set.

Another workout i found to help is to lie down flat and do regular crunches, this targets the lower abs, if you ben your knees at a medium angle it targets your mid abs, and bending as much as you can targets upper.