"The Swimmer" on the Balance Board


New member

Lie with your stomach on the balance pad and your toes on the floor. Bring your hands up over your head - your head should not be touching the floor. Keep your belly button pulled in at all times. From this position, bring your elbows down toward your feet, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the same time. You should feel like you are performing a breaststroke-type movement. Repeat this movement 10-15 times, rest, then repeat if desired.

Does this exercise will reduce my belly fat?
Perhaps this has already been mentioned on here but an excellent website and YouTube channel is Fitness Blender.They have hundreds of exercises.You can select which part of your body you want to exercise,how long for and what equipment to use etc. They do the exercises along with you and it's free.It's an absolute bible as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, absolutely! Swimming exercise is kind of cardio exercise and can help your weight loss. If you’re especially concerned with belly fat this instruction might be a really good trick for you. Also, to diet and regular exercise for weight loss, there is a new non-surgical way to lose weight really fast and effective.