The Self-Improvement Disease

There is no such thing as “self improvement”.

The fallacy of self-improvement comes from the fact that you must first believe there is something outside that needs to be improved upon.

When people believe they are flawed, the tendency is to start searching, searching, and searching some more to find a solution, an answer…

Looking for meaning, solutions, and happiness “out there”.

Here’s the point, nothing outside can solve your problems.

If this were true, if there was a magical outside “fix” to life- there’d be no sad, high-strung, depressed people in the world.

There would be no depressed and unhappy rich folks…check out the tabloids!

Great news is that you already have the resources inside to be happy, wealthy, and successful.

This idea is so foreign to many (and to conventional knowledge) that most people would have trouble believing it!

It can be a “hard pill to swallow”…especially when you feel in lack, lonely, depressed, or frustrated. When you can’t pay your bills, hate your job, and things aren’t going right.

But, this breakthrough can happen instantly.

All you need is a shift. This will enable you to get CLEAR on what you want, be inspired to take MASSIVE action, and things will start to move into place effortlessly.

When your life changes overnight, it’s not because you “improved” yourself, it’s because you had an internal shift.

This internal shift can also be called “alignment”. When you are in alignment with what you want, you will always manifest it.

And manifesting is not a magical voo-doo power from la la land…its the ability to “align” your conscious desires with the power of your unconscious mind…and thus create what you want faster than “improving” yourself from a point of limitation.
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Blah blah blah, that internal shift can also be called "self-improvement."

If you think self-improvement means looking outside yourself and grabbing at other stuff, then you've clearly missed the "self" part of the equation. Self-improvement is entirely about you, not about external things.
This writer is grossly misguided. Thinking that "self" improvement is outside the "self". He/she is taking the term self improvement and twisting it, ascribing it to mean something outside the self and then creating all these made up stories of why its not good. He seem to have a problem with the actual term, not what the actual meaning of what it is is.

He then begin to say that what is needed is "an internal shift", or "alignment".
Lets breakdown "internal shift" for a moment. Isn't that something you need to do for your "self" inside your "self", with your "self"? It seem to follow that "internal shift" IS self improvement.

Alignment breaks down the same way. You bring your "self" in alignment. You align your "self" with what you want.

Like the other respondent says, its just a bunch of bla bla BS that dont make any sense.