the disappointment is killing me

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New member
F 28 5'3"
146 lb
don't know how to find my bodyfat %

I gained weight last year. In December I started 60m bootcamp classes 3x a week. A few months later, I started dieting. I switched to (basically) paleo, and now I have a calorie tracker and I've been getting less than 1500 calories every day. I aim for 1200 but on days I workout, I need more than that.

I still am not losing weight. My most awful weight was 155, and after 7 months of exercise and 3 months of diet, I've only dropped a total of 9 pounds. I am so frustrated because I work so hard. My workouts are sweaty and nasty and I always try to go another two extra reps. Or add another pound on my weight. Or move a second faster than everyone else. I go hard at the gym. I like explosive workouts.

I don't know why it's not working. About 3 weeks ago I changed my workout routine. Now I do 45 minutes 4x a week of Jillian Michael videos in my living room just to change it up. My weight is at a standstill. I still hover in the 140's.

I had a freakout today because I finally bought this corset that I always wanted. My skeleton is wide, and my shoulders and hips are wider than average. I ordered this corset in large because that's normally what fits over my ribcage and pelvis. It finally came in the mail two days ago! But when I tried it on, I could not zipper it. Even the large size won't fit. I actually need to start buying XL clothes. Are you kidding me? I cannot express to you how upset I am. I've been investing all this money, time, effort, calorie trackers, diet changes, reading up on new foods and exercise routines, and I'm still looking like this stupid fat person. I'm so frustrated I want to give up. I ate 800 calories yesterday and 700 calories today because I'm so upset with myself. I know that's not good, but I just don't care anymore. I'm so mad. I'm so disappointed. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I wish someone had the right answer because I keep changing my routine based on information I read online. I'm starting to think there's a lot of bad information out there. I don't know what direction to turn. I don't know what advice is bad vs what information is correct. I'm so frustrated.

Wow did this turn into a rant or what. Mannnn, I'll feel better tomorrow.
There are several ways to measure bodyfat %, the best is a DEXA scan, followed by caliper measurements done by a trained person (some trainers have been trained in this) the least accurate is bodyfat scales (a common inclusion in modern bathroom scales)
Our bodys are all unique and what works in terms of weightloss for 1 person will not work for another.

Regarding nutrition: It is not just about the number of calories you eat. Not all calories are created equal. You may know the difference between carbs, fats and proteins but its important to realize that there are better carbs, better proteins and better fats to consume. Calories are the fuel our bodies need to run and some calories help us burn fuel better and more efficiently. And there are various fruits and vegetables with particular properties that can assist us in burning that fuel. Let's call them fuel injectors.

As we get older, our energy level often decreases and our metabolism slows. This basically means we burn fuel less efficiently. You need to find foods which help you and which make you feel better.

It is NOT the number of calories you consume. Believe it or not, someone eating 2200 nutrient-dense calories may lose weight better than someone eating 1200 nutrient-deficient calories.
Regarding nutrition: It is not just about the number of calories you eat. Not all calories are created equal. You may know the difference between carbs, fats and proteins but its important to realize that there are better carbs, better proteins and better fats to consume. Calories are the fuel our bodies need to run and some calories help us burn fuel better and more efficiently. And there are various fruits and vegetables with particular properties that can assist us in burning that fuel. Let's call them fuel injectors.

Yeah, I hear ya. It gets so complicated. I feel like I need to graduate from a nutrition program before I figure out what I'm doing wrong. I keep getting all kinds of different advice and I'm not sure what plan to follow anymore. Right now I'm on paleo diet. Lots of grilled chicken salads, fish, greens and more greens.

I'd really like to subscribe to one school of thought and stick with it, but as I talk to more and more people, the advice vastly ranges. I was doing intermittent fasting before I tried paleo, and before that I was gluten free.

How do you learn what advice is correct and what is not?
All diets work to some extent, but that does not make them optimal or healthy. As an example I follow a keto lifestyle, but that does not mean that I will advise against other methods, but will advise you to be achieving adequate nutrition for your individual circumstances, this is why myself and other very experienced members will ask a lot of questions to get to the bottom of where a problem may be. There is one constant in that calories count and eating too many in counter to your goals.
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