The Daily-DDR Club


Thought I'd create a club/check-in for members who are using DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and other such games, for the console (PS2/Xbox) or PC.

I've only recently started DDR seriously since last Wednesday but have done it every single day since, and have seen massive improvements. Yesterday, have advanced to "difficult" level on some songs. It is pretty daunting when you first start, so if I can do it .. then anyone can.

About weight loss, so far I can't say whether there have been any benefits (as I haven't been watching my diet for this past week) .. but I am moving so it is some form of exercise. I'm planning to really watch it for the next week - until next Wednesday (31 Jan), and combine it with the 30 - 60 minute DDR sessions after work .. to see how much weight will melt off.

If anyone else is interested or is currently supplementing their workouts with DDR, do join!

Information about DDR
Wikipedia - DDR
Check-in for Monday, 22 January 2007

Game: DDR Supernova

Mode: Stellar Master Mode (wanted to unlock songs)

Duration: 40 minutes + 10 minutes

Details: completed "GLOW" (#2) at about 70%, did a bit of UGUISU (#3).

Achievements: The best was a few "A"s - no AAs or AAAs. Did Fallout Boy's Dance Dance pretty well at Difficult. Did the few nutty UGUISU songs - over 230+ bpms, without failing.

-- you can follow the check-ins like this or add your own.
Tuesday check-in

Didn't plan to get it done, but somehow found some time to myself later in the evening - 10 to 11:30 or so.

Game: DDR Supernova

Mode: Stellar Master Mode + Free Mode (5 songs x 2)

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Details: Finally unlocked the few songs, but surprisingly it was stuff from Uguisu (3rd planet) - bought them all from the shop. At least then I can practice that really tough Gekkou Chou - must pass to complete the task at Uguisu .. eek! I like The Least 100sec, soooo fast but so cool.

Still mostly Basic/Light, not so great on Difficult though at least I am attempting it, and not failing it.
Okay so now after reading this I am going to dig out my dance pads. I have some sort of DDR game for XBox that I bought after my 1st son was born 3 years ago but haven't used it for about 2 1/2 years.

I am going to haul it out after both kids are in bed and do some DDR :)
Okay so now after reading this I am going to dig out my dance pads. I have some sort of DDR game for XBox that I bought after my 1st son was born 3 years ago but haven't used it for about 2 1/2 years.

I am going to haul it out after both kids are in bed and do some DDR :)

You should! Do join in if you do.
I missed out on a day (Wednesday), so there goes my 7 day streak of daily DDR! :(

Game: DDR Extreme II
Mode: Dance Master Mode
Duration: 50 minutes
Notes: like the songs in this and easier to unlock - in comparison to Supernova
Man, I miss DDR. I used to play in high school until the arcade took the machine out, and I've never been able to afford a dance pad of my own. I used to sort-of play using Stepmania on my computer and just dance on the carpet, but I don't have room on my computer for it anymore and it's not quite the same experience.
I wonder if there're any other DDR machines around here that are decent...though it could get expensive.
Days: Friday - Saturday - Sunday
Game: DDR Extreme, Supernova
Duration: 30 - 45 minutes, but not workout mode besides 20 minutes on Fri & Sat.

On Sunday, bought a 2nd mat and did it in versus mode with sis .. and it was fun going at it together. Attempted the double mat mode but .. gah .. totally horrible on Basic/Light!
hahaha, I would join this group but don't have time to play every day. I'm jumping on my trusty treadmill for my everyday cardio. I've actually played DDR before on weight loss mode. :) I got pretty good at some of the songs, but experienced no weight loss due to still having a terrible diet. It was just fun knowing that the game had a section for us worried about burning some calories. And was super fun too!

Side topic: Has anybody ever played Eyetoy Kinetic? It's some serious fun and a really great workout. You need a lot of room in your apartment though.
I can't post here any more .. so will have to leave - certain issues with a stalker. But do keep going with the DDR/eyetoy check-ins. Bye.