
Hear hear! Thanks a lot :)
I just started a program I came across called 'Guerrilla Cardio'. Damn it's intense! I jog for 4 mins then do 4 mins of all out sprint intervals divided into 20 secs sprint, 10 secs rest (jog). Then 4 more minutes of jogging to cool down. The whole thing only takes 12 mins. It will about kill you if your not carefull, I about collapse when I'm done and usually ache all day like I was lifting weights. I like the results I'm seeing so I will definately stick with it.
That 4-minute period of 20 seconds sprints alternated with 10 seconds of jogging follows the Tabata interval concept.Very tough routine.
youch! I couldn't sprint every 20 seconds, even with a jog in between (but good on ya for doing so!) I'll hopefully be working up to that, but today I just did 10 minutes (yeah, ten minutes...yesterday I did 20 minutes B^) of 1 minute brisk walk, 30 second job, and loopdeeloop all over again.