Tantra Massage

Tantra Massage has always been mistaken as a sexual therapy, a massage reason for sexual games or orgies. But this is not true.

Tantra massage has been designed keeping men, women and couples in mind. It is for the people seeking higher knowledge about how energy is transmuted and also for progression of spiritual and emotional needs. Also Tantra massage focuses on releasing the stress so as to improve and extend the passion and pleasure.

Tantric massage is just like other massages. Tantric massage will not involve actual penetrative sex but it will involve complete touching of organs. Due to this reason every spa and saloon won’t be having Tantra massage. To perform Tantra massage the therapist must be qualified as master. They should posse’s proper skills, professionalism and have right stance. A therapist will require certain specialization before he is eligible for Tantra massage.

Tantra massage is designed in such a way that it will allow hidden mystic energy leak out of the body. The aim is to bring mind & body in synchronization with the universe. To create a proper environment, music is played. Due to Tantric massage the body’s sensitivity is enhanced. To channel energy in body light bodily and leisurely strokes are carried out. Medium or high pressure is applied at side of spine. However soft and sensual strokes are more preferred.

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