
I have recently decided that i want to try a supplement or a muslce enhancer but dont really know which one would work for me or which ones work period. I am 5'6 and weigh 140 lbs. I was thinking about using this mix called Pro Complex. Does anyone have any experience or heard anything abou this product. Or is there something better out there that would help me? I would appreciate any and all help. Thanks.
Also has anyone heard or tried the NO2? And what do you think of it?
joe3523, how long have you been lifting and what kind of results have you seen?

the best muscle enhancer out there is diet and training. :)
I just started taking N02 today, but it is supposed to take 3 days before you start feeling effects. My friend has been taking it since November and he claims that it really helps him. It also, supposedly, makes your hair thicker and shinier as well as your complexion better. Who knows though. I'll let everyone know if it does anything for me. I have heard other people say it helps recovery time. I figured I woudl buy a bottle from BB for $30 and see what it could do for me. Good luck with your training. Diet and a good program that you can stick to are the most important.