Stressed out

I have been really stressed out lately and unable to focus on anything. Would meditation help me to focus better?
Sure it may help you, but also try to get rid of the source of your stress, tale vitamins and find a hobby :) Good luck!
This is a little late after the fact, and hopefully you've found a solution by now, but in case you haven't...

Yes, regular dedicated meditation can GREATLY reduce your stress and increase your focus. Problem is, when you're stressed out and unable to focus, meditation can be quite difficult.

Don't give up! Meditation will "center" you and help realign those systems in your body to a state of equilibrium or homeostasis. Stress can throw your systems out of whack and really agitate your hormonal balance, so each morning and evening, take about 20 minutes to really just clear your mind, breath deeply and evenly, and once you're level-headed and feeling fine, reflect on yourself.

You'll begin to realize that life is good, getting better, and that you have control over everything that happens to you. You CAN eliminate or escape the bad influences in your life, you CAN do better for yourself, and your ARE growing as a person each and every day.

Once you really, really drive this idea home, and truly convince yourself of it, you'll be much healthier and happier.

i would really like to point out one thing
just recently i read in a newspaper that instead of taking vitamin tablets(that you may take for stressed out disorders) eat natural providers of vitamins like lot of vegetables etc.
find the causes of you gettin stressed out.
maybe that will help you