Still no abs even after rigorous weight training

Ive been eating an extremely clean diet for the past 1 - 1/2 year and working out rigorously and I still cant see any abs. Even though I have lost at least 2 inches already in my waistline. Im afraid that If i do more cardio that I will look too skinny and lose my muscle gains in search of a ripped abs. ANy ideas? >>>> *** Frustrated****

How often should i train abs? should i do it after every workout? or should i give it its own day?

height : 5'11
weight: 183 lbs
waist : 34
BF: prolly 15 %
Your bodyfat % is still too high. It has to be less than 10% more or less. Yes, you can work abs every day.
Your bodyfat % is still too high. It has to be less than 10% more or less. Yes, you can work abs every day.

I can see mine at 20%, it's largely genetic and also depends on how developed they are

Your abs are just a muscle like any other, would you work your quads every day? I'm hoping the answer's no. Give your abs a rest, every other day is still a lot of work but passable, every third day might best.

And remember, your abs are worked in many other exercises too, deads and squats are great. And keep the cardio going so you get the BF% down
Your bodyfat % is still too high. It has to be less than 10% more or less. Yes, you can work abs every day.

Exactly. I always tell everyone that "abs" happen in the kitchen. You either eat properly or don't. It is typical to not really see abs until the bf% is 10% or lower. There may be some that have genetics to allow it, but it is the exception rather than the rule.

Keep a food journal. is a decent free web based food journal. That will let you track your caloric intake.

Eat clean. Lift. Cardio. Rest. You will get abs then. If the cardio is not working for you, do a google search on 'tabata,' and try that method of cardio training. But, diet has to be good for you to get to a low enough bf% to see abs.
Also depends on WHERE you hold your body fat. I have loads around my waist but my thighs are only a little larger then my calves. Different people hold fat in different places and there are many reasons for this.
Hey Buffed,

If you're doing cardio properly you should be able to make modest muscle gains while doing it. Not extreme ones, but you certainly shouldn't be losing your gains. Doing HIIT instead of marathon style cardio is one way of preventing muscle loss. Eating quickly digesting foods right before and after is another good idea. I spell it all out in an if you're curious. This fat loss system got my pudgy friend the most insane set of abs I've seen.

As for developing those abs, make sure you're doing heavy crunches—and doing them properly. Poor form crunches won't get you anywhere. Also, things like sit-ups work your hip flexers, so make sure you're focusing on the crunch movement, and not on lifting your entire torso off the ground.

Since you should be working your abs heavy, instead of doing endless reps, you should give them time to rest. Not as much as other muscle groups, though. You can work out your abs 3 times a week. I wouldn't do more. Work in some planks, too. They'll stimulate the muscles under the abs and make 'em pop out.

Don't worry about your bodyfat percentage, worry about the mirror. Everyone shows abs at different numbers, and everyone stores fat in different places.