Starting 12 week bet today.

evo - are you sure? why eat foods with a high gi index when trying to lose weight. would it not be better for him to eat slower burning carbs?
Slayback said:
What are some between meal snacks that I can try if Meal Replacement bars aren't the answer?

My snacks during the day are usually something like fruit, low fat yoghurt, peanut butter on crackers, protein bar (not the same as meal replacement, low on carbs), cereal bars, dried fruit etc.

Not all at the same time, obviously!! ;)
Slay - MRP bars and shakes are great when in a time crunch. Just be aware of the labels (serving sizes especially). I'd suggest checking Biotest's Metabolic Drive bars and powder...(I'm actually drinking my 2nd Drive shake of the day... :D )

evolution already linked you to John Berardi. That is possibly the best thing anyone has done for assisting you in your goals. To advance a bit deeper in his site check this article out 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs

M.o.K - Timing is the tricky component with carbs.

manofkent said:
evo - are you sure? why eat foods with a high gi index when trying to lose weight. would it not be better for him to eat slower burning carbs?

Honestly, it really in the long run doesn't matter so long as calorie considerations are taken in. This maybe sacrelige to some but given the guy that eats at McDonalds and the guy that eats at Subway (insert non-fried food place) can have nearly identical physique results if they follow their calorie needs. I'm not arguing health related concerns on that because that's another animal all together.

What I was basically referring to is that no nutrient is necessarily going to make you fat unless over-consumed and then it will be stored as fat. Am I saying that you should have plain sugar as compared to oatmeal? No. But a protein bar through the day is better than not having anything at all. If I was going to be precise with carbohydrate timing it would be "slow" in the morning and "fast" post-workout. I've become less of a GI fanatic as of late.
Evolution - yeah, sorry due I got the wrong end of the stick. I see what your saying now. Yesterday was a bit of a slow day.