Sponsoring the site

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New member
How do we become a sponsor of the site? Also i don't see any? Where are they?

Thank you for any help friends :)

Hit the gym heard today all and keep at it!
~Yours In Health anf Fitness~
How do we become a sponsor of the site? Also i don't see any? Where are they?

Thank you for any help friends :)

Hit the gym heard today all and keep at it!
~Yours In Health anf Fitness~

Sponsor? Like an AA sponsor? Because, umm...you could probably use one yourself. From your astounding spelling, I'm assuming you were fairly hammered when you made that post.

How do we become a sponsor of the site? Also i don't see any? Where are they?

Thank you for any help friends :)

Hit the gym heard today all and keep at it!
~Yours In Health anf Fitness~

What do you mean 'sponsor' ??? YOu wanna donate money to the site??
Sponsor? Like an AA sponsor? Because, umm...you could probably use one yourself. From your astounding spelling, I'm assuming you were fairly hammered when you made that post.


lol actually i don't drink at all :) by the grace of God.

Just been working very hard at my new biz so am a bit drained from trying to keep up with it, training, family ect. Also, i am definitely not the best at typing lol

Nice to meet your charming self lol
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What do you mean 'sponsor' ??? YOu wanna donate money to the site??

I have a legitimate product that would be very useful to the members here with their goals of fat loss and health. I would love to have it here and post my knowledge and experience of fitness and nutrition here as well and watch it change lives as is the true reward.
Yes an authorized sponsor on the site like most forums have where I pay a sponsor fee and you post a banner to my site.

Such as Mr Chi was talking about here in another post-

"" Most forums aren't designed to make money, but most of them have advertisements of their own because they need a way to pay their bills. It's not free to run a forum. There are bandwidth expenses, server expenses, tech support expenses, design expenses, moderation expenses (unless the moderators are volunteers), etc. So, in order to keep the website running, a lot of forums will have banners, ads and links to sponsors; sponsors which help cover the cost of paying the bills.

Without the help of the minimal revenue that is brought in from the authorized ads you see on this forum, somebody - more than likely the forum's owner - would have to pay the bills out of their own pocket. The advertisements are paid for by the companies which sponsor this website. They are willing to help sponsor the website (which pays the bills) because of the traffic that the advertisements bring them in return. The more traffic they get, the more money they make. So, the sponsors are more than happy to pay money for advertisements on this website...as long as they are getting traffic in return.

But, if people start posting links to SPAM (unauthorized advertisements), then people may click on the SPAM links instead of the authorized advertisements, which would lower the amount of traffic that the sponsors should be receiving in return for their generous donations. And, if the sponsors aren't getting enough traffic, they will stop advertising on this forum...which would take money away from the forum and prevent it from being able to pay the bills.

Since the forum cares about paying it's own bill more than it cares about paying yours, you're not allowed to SPAM here. ""
I have a legitimate product that would be very useful to the members here with their goals of fat loss and health.

what? you mean that fat burning green coffee crap you have linked into your homepage. THAT is your legitimate product? Hell that's the stuff we tell people NOT to take and you want the site to basicly say 'yeah, we tell you this stuff is not real weight loss and it often a fraud but THIS guy's is different. Why? Cause he is giving the site money is why'

It's up to the boss of course. It is his site but I don't think he is a hypocrit like that.
what? you mean that fat burning green coffee crap you have linked into your homepage. THAT is your legitimate product? Hell that's the stuff we tell people NOT to take and you want the site to basicly say 'yeah, we tell you this stuff is not real weight loss and it often a fraud but THIS guy's is different. Why? Cause he is giving the site money is why'

It's up to the boss of course. It is his site but I don't think he is a hypocrit like that.

Be careful not to judge before trying or researching friend. I do understand your concern of course though, as having been a bodybuilder since i was 12, now 32. I have wasted thousands trying to find what works and what doesn't work for my goals. There truly is a bunch of garbage out there and that is why i chose these products to sell. Because they do work as claimed. I even use it myself for detoxifying my body, mental focus, and an energy boost as well as keep lean.

Have you ever tried it? Do you even know what is consists of?

I will GIVE you a free box friend, and you can report back to us all.
Because it has helped many many people in only the few years it has been around. It does work without training and diet even. But i will NEVER tell anyone to rely on a produc alone.
Weight loss shouldn't be the goal. Healthy Fat Loss/Muscle Gain should be the goal, and it is most effectively accomplished with a personalized meal plan, personalized weight training/cardiovascular, along with supplements that work to increase metabolism, detoxify the body, and increase over all well being.


i will pm the boss right now to check into it, thank you

What are you removing?

That i said i will pm the owner about sponsoring here?

now you are making stuff up to try to llok cool or whatever your issue is. Maybe get to the gym and work on your goals instead of trying to play internet tough guy all day at your computer. geez.

(MOD EDIT: Yeah..see what I removed was you telling me to contact you so you can send me some of your crap. That is against the forum rules about asking people to PM you directly.)
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BWAHAHA Hell no. I might be overweight but I'm sure as hell not putting that crap into my body. I've done the research. Answer me one thing, show me you know what you are talking about because you will be the first person to ever answer this.

What toxins are you detoxing out from your body?

Not one single person has ever been able to answer this claim from people (like you) pushing a detox product. Detox has been proven to be the same as snake oil.

Editing to add cause not worth another post:

Great thing about knowing the internet is just how much research you can do..like how this product is heavly sold in what is basicly a pyramid selling scheme. I had a feeling about you before I looking into things about you. You didn't come off as someone here to help. The way you said things and replied screams salesperson. Oh and let's just point out the idea that antioxidants has anything to do with weight loss. It has to do with free radicals in the body which can cause mutations in cells that can cause diseases and cancer. It has NOTHING to do with fat loss. Oh but antioxidants is a buzz word that is thrown around at people who don't know any better.
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BWAHAHA Hell no. I might be overweight but I'm sure as hell not putting that crap into my body. I've done the research. Answer me one thing, show me you know what you are talking about because you will be the first person to ever answer this.

What toxins are you detoxing out from your body?

Not one single person has ever been able to answer this claim from people (like you) pushing a detox product. Detox has been proven to be the same as snake oil.

A simple seaarch will tell you that. "Some common toxins include heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium and aluminum; chemical toxins, such as prescription drug residues, alcohol and tobacco; microbial compounds, including bacteria and yeast; and industrial compounds, such as solvents, pesticides, and herbicides."

laughable that you gave me an pm with an "infraction for spaming" when you are the one who actually mentioned my site in the first, place. i wasn't going to until i had permission, but you seemed to want to talk about it.

One good way to see who knows what they are talking about when it comes to fitness and nutrition is post pics of yourself.

You just said you are still overweight, so obviously something you are doing is NOT working. (my guess, as is usually the case, is something is holding you back mentally and you makes excuses)

I have spent 15+ years finding what works and what doesn't so i really don't need to "prove" myself or my integrity as i have been on these boards for 6 = years and have already done that. Just do a search for my name.

I can either stay here and help those you want and need help or leav you where i found you, fat, unhappy and miserable?
I am sure that you do not speak for everyone, but if the majority feels like you, then i will leave you to it.
BWAHAHA Hell no. I might be overweight but I'm sure as hell not putting that crap into my body. I've done the research. Answer me one thing, show me you know what you are talking about because you will be the first person to ever answer this.

What toxins are you detoxing out from your body?

Not one single person has ever been able to answer this claim from people (like you) pushing a detox product. Detox has been proven to be the same as snake oil.

Editing to add cause not worth another post:

Great thing about knowing the internet is just how much research you can do..like how this product is heavly sold in what is basicly a pyramid selling scheme. I had a feeling about you before I looking into things about you. You didn't come off as someone here to help. The way you said things and replied screams salesperson. Oh and let's just point out the idea that antioxidants has anything to do with weight loss. It has to do with free radicals in the body which can cause mutations in cells that can cause diseases and cancer. It has NOTHING to do with fat loss. Oh but antioxidants is a buzz word that is thrown around at people who don't know any better.

i have actually never been a sales person, just started because this product works and anything that works sells like crazy.
I' am very eager to help and more than willing when and where i am welcome and wanted.
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Funny you listed those toxins. Copy and pasting what buzzle, a website all based around selling scam products like this, says isn't exactly unbias medical research or proof. I'd love to see a medical study please. How about some proof over hype?

As far as my overweight, it was about overeating due to emotions and a lack of knowledge in proper nutrition. It was also a matter of personal will and accountability.

Let's see. who are people more likely to believe..someone overweight who is more than able to show you medical science about weight loss, someone who has lost 50 pounds so far or you..pushing a product with no medical science behind it trying to make a buck.

See, if you was someone looking out for the well being and helping those here, trying to sell them something instead of giving proper weight loss methods would be your goal. You are a fraud and a scam.

To quote you: 'I have been a member of many fitness boards over the past 7 or more years and just found this site in a search.'

You joined the site this month. 6+ years hmm?

your turn, but you are going to lose in this.
Funny you listed those toxins. Copy and pasting what buzzle, a website all based around selling scam products like this, says isn't exactly unbias medical research or proof. I'd love to see a medical study please. How about some proof over hype?

How about experience, read all the studies you want, they will never take the place of experience.

As far as my overweight, it was about overeating due to emotions and a lack of knowledge in proper nutrition. It was also a matter of personal will and accountability.

Let's see. who are people more likely to believe..someone overweight who is more than able to show you medical science about weight loss, someone who has lost 50 pounds so far or you..pushing a product with no medical science behind it trying to make a buck.

See, if you was someone looking out for the well being and helping those here, trying to sell them something instead of giving proper weight loss methods would be your goal. You are a fraud and a scam.

To quote you: 'I have been a member of many fitness boards over the past 7 or more years and just found this site in a search.'

You joined the site this month. 6+ years hmm?

Yes six plus years. massmonsterz.com, worldclassbodybuilding.com ,bodybuilding.com, steroidmass.com, professionalmuscle.com, ...like i said, do a search

your turn, but you are going to lose in this.

Lose at what? lol it's not a competition dude. My fiance' is a personal
trainner and i have personally helped many many people train and get in shape for free over the years. it's always people (like you) that have severe complex issues or whatever your issue is that hurt the progress of others motivation.
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I was told that the admin has emailed this user....so he has the answer he was looking for. I say the thread needs shut down.
First, I love how people who makes outragous claims for a product say they don't need actual proof in the form of science and medical case studies. I can put some water from a cave in a bottle, call it a cure for hiccups and say I have proof that it worked on me too. Doesn't mean that the bottle made the hiccups go away. It is the same with this product. You say it worked for you? Really? From the research I have done on you, you have been on many bodybuilding sites as a member (in some cases a banned member) where you have also started telling people about your business selling this stuff. You have been a long time bodybuilder, least 7 years by your word) and you are saying you are selling this stuff cause it helped you lose weight..but you are a bodybuilder.

See how that doesn't quite hold mustard? I don't just doubt that this stuff helped you, I am out and out saying it didn't. You already know what it took to keep weight off and to build your muscles. No, this is you trying to make a buck off people trying to lose weight the RIGHT way.

As far as the 6 year thing, you said you 'have been on these boards for 6 = years and have already done that.' You wasn't talking about other boards..and who cares if you have been. We don't know you from jack but we know that you are here trying to sell stuff to people. We call people like that spammers..it's just you wanted to find some 'official' way to do it.

As far as my personal complex and issue is..it's pretty much hating people trying to prey on others..like you coming to a weight loss site pushing detox tea.
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