Speedminton - a new fun game!

Speedminton is like Tennis and Badminton – two (or four) opponents facing each other, each defending their “side” or “scoring area” while trying to score on their opponents. But unlike Tennis and Badminton Speedminton does not have a net in between the scoring areas so it´s easy to set up and all you need is two rackets and a Speeder.

A Speeder - like the birdie in Badminton - is shaped like a shuttle**** but is half the height and double the weight with a high density rubber end. It is less affected by the wind so you don´t have to stop when it´s getting windy out there. The racquets are unique as well – Speedminton racquets are shaped somewhat like a squash racquet but shorter.


It´s easy to learn, an simple workout and makes so much fun.

So What do you think?