Sources for Protein


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protein supplement for vegetarian

hi, i'm a vegetarian and i really wanted to try the adkin's diet. does anyone know what kind of "protein" supplements i'm suppose to take?

thank you
Well it depends on how vegetarian you are. Whey protein is a good protein supplement, nuts have good fats in them as long as a little bit of protein. Avacado's have good fat, you pretty much have to do some research, I do not recommend Atkins at all, for many reasons, but do some research.
Not enough Protein in my diet

I noticed I have a hard time getting enough protein in my diet. Is it ok to turn to whey proteins to get enough? What happens if I take too much of it?
Hmmm depends what your diet is like and what you mean by too much, try for 1g of protein per kg(its like .5g a lb give or take) extra protein that your body doesnt use goes through your kidneys it can be hard on them but only if you have larg amounts of it(i could be wrong) its ok to supplement w/ shakes but it should mostly come from food....egg whites added to stuff like oatmeal is a great protein boost, cottage cheese is great too(but its a love or hate it thing with ppl)chicken breast,tune,salmon,lean beef i could go on and on lol. once you start planning your meals around protein it gets pretty easy :)
its easy just try to eat 10 or more g of protein per meal. half a cup of cottage cheese has 13(mine does, depends on fat content though). I mean theres just too many possibilities, look for it and it will find you;)
I bought a tub of cottage cheese and it's really gross just eating it by itself. So do you guys think that adding whey protein powder to some of my meals is ok?
I eat PB w/ celery sticks or sliced apples, I have like a cheese stick w/ fruit, a protien shake, sometimes I have a handful of roasted unsalted peanuts.. whichever but it helps w/ the protein as Im not doing carbs in general..and no bread. I sometimes take lean turkey breast & put some hummus on it and roll it or lite cream cheese & have some veggies or tomatoe...there are all kinds of ways to find protein
smiley said:
) extra protein that your body doesnt use goes through your kidneys it can be hard on them but only if you have larg amounts of it(i could be wrong)

When I first diagnosed with my liver condition 2 years ago I was told by my liver doc that the body processed protein in the liver. I was having a horrible time getting enough protein because it made me sick to my stomach. The thought of eating any meat made me gag. When my liver functions began to normalize I was again able to handle the protein. So......"extra protein" goes to the kidney? So this means what isn't handled by the liver goes to the kidney?
(Sort of lol,the protein goes through the liver then the kidneys)
Once the body’s needs are met, then the excess must be removed. The liver converts the excess protein into urea and other nitrogen-containing breakdown products, which are finally eliminated through the kidneys as part of the urine. this tends to be hard on the kidneys over a life time. :)
It's fine to take a protein shake. It's the cheapest form of protein too. Try a protein isolate shake for more protein and less fat and carbs - it's more expensive but in my opinion worth it. You get almost 30g of protein and only about 100 calories.

It is possible to take too much protein and as someone said, this is hard on your kidneys - i find when i take more protein i get thirstier which i think is cos my kidneys are flushing out the extra protein and need more water (not totally sure on that tho).

How much protein do you take at the moment and what's your weight? A good thing about protein shakes is they often contain L Glutamine which is very beneficial especially if you're trying to lose fat. L Glutamine decreases the breakdown of muscles so look out for it in the whey shakes.
Meatless Protien


I am a vegetarian, so I thought I might be able to give some ideas for getting protien when you are sick of meat.

One thing you can try is fake meat products by Morning star. They taste great and do not have any animal fat. The fake meat products have a lot less calories than the animal product. Also, vegetarian chili is loaded w/protien and fiber. Rice and beans make a complete protien (I would use brown rice) You could make burritos w/ whole wheat tortillas and black beans. Whole wheat products tend to have more protien and less calories than white products. Add soy beans to your salad, they are high in protien and are very tasty (They look like lima beans but do not taste anything like them), i recommend buying them without the pod. And of course tofu. Let me know if you would like some ideas for ways to use tofu. I also use protien shakes when it seems like I am not getting enough. Whey is one of the best forms becuase it has the least calories and carbs.

I hope this helps :)

Good luck!

Seems like this is a dead thread by now, but in case anyone is reading...
I like to drink protein shakes (I do soy or whey protein). These give you a lot of protein without a lot of calories (around 100 per drink with 24 grams of protein, depending on what kind). I don't eat meat at all so I had to find something. It's easy to fit in as a drink with dinner or a snack. You can mix the powder with yogurt and fruit for a smoothie too if you like those.
about protein shakes

protein shakes are one of the best and healthiest form to add up protein and nutrients to your diet.

Personally I used them to lose weight. I've lost 26lb two years ago and maintained my weight ever since :) Also lost 18% Body fat and dropped three dress sizes.

The best form of protein added in the shake powder is a mixture of soy& whey protein -also to be 100% pure and natural -without any additives, starch, sugars and bulk. The reason for this is that is a combination of fast & slow released protein and keeps you full for longer time rather than only whey protein which is fast released protein. The quality is No 1 to look for.

The right form and ammount of protein in your diet sends the right chemical signals to your brain and it tells you - "I am full at the moment, don't give me more food when I am not hungry!" -with one word it cures the hunger pangs.

Also the vegetarian form of protein does not put strain on the kidneys and liver as the animal protein does. It feeds the hair, skin, nails, muscles(gives them power)....keeps us young and energetic. It brings your RMR to the stage when you burn fat even during your sleep and you are losing fat but not muscle tissue.

If this form of protein is combined with the right form of good carbs and a nutritional shake mixture(powder), then you will have the best form for sports nutrition shakes.
I've tryed this and after my weight loss I did a charity 5km run. I was amaised from my own results (even that I am not the athletic type) -5km for 25.5min -not bad for a person like me.

Let me know if you need any help with this . I would be happy to share my experiense and what I've learned during these two years.

Tips: Concentrate on the gain,(goal), not on the pain!
Do any of you have any good suggestions for good sources of protein?

I know protein shakes and bars are one option. I am going to try out some new shakes in the near future here. I just am also looking for some low-calorie snack or meal ideas too to incorporate more protein into my diet. I don't want to do "low carb" so to speak, but I def. don't think I'm obtaining enough protein. Since I am such a bread/carb lover to begin with!! :)

Thanks for any ideas!! :D
I'm not sure if you like it, but Tuna is a great source of protein. Instead of mixing it with mayo I eat it with mustard or fresh lemon. Another way I really like it is mixed up with some fresh salsa ;)
I found this on e-diet thought you might be interested in it :)

1. Egg whites -- They may not be as tasty as the whole egg, but they are an efficient protein source.

"Egg whites are an excellent source of protein, because the protein is instantly absorbed by your body," says Raphael. "They also have no fat and no cholesterol."

2. Whole egg -- For years, fear of the cholesterol in egg yolk has made people shy away from this wonderful source of protein. But in moderation, you have nothing to worry about.

"Even though the yolk is high in cholesterol, it is also higher in protein than the egg whites. One of the best sources of protein is the yolk in the egg. A Harvard study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed eating an egg a day did not raise the risk of heart disease. (If you'd like more information on how to keep your heart healthy, click HERE to subscribe to our newest newsletter, Healthy Hearts.)

3. Steak -- Beef... it's what's for dinner... and it’s what’s for muscles if you want more of them. And not just protein, but creatine and iron and iron as well.

4. Chicken -- Prefer something a little leaner? Chicken is a mainstay in bodybuilder’s diets. Lean cuts of chicken breast have 28 grams of protein, no carbs and only 2 grams of fat.

5. Tuna -- Have you ever seen those dedicated gym rats eating tuna right out of the can? It may seem a little crude, but tuna is a hit for muscle gain, and the convenience outweighs the "lack of decorum." Higher consumption of fish is associated with a reduced risk of some types of stroke among middle-aged women, according to an article in the January 17 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

6. Cottage cheese -- Guys, don’t let your egos get in the way. This may be a staple of women’s diets, but there’s nothing wimpy about eating this high-protein food.
"Protein in cottage cheese is of extremely high quality and contains all of the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) in the amounts proportional to the body’s needs," says Raphael.

7. Salmon -- If you get sick of tuna but still want to get your protein from the sea, salmon is a great alternative. Postpone your appointment with St. Peter by consuming omega-3-rich fish such as salmon.
