Some pics I took

Here are a few teaser photos I took on my trip:

Here is the gear that we brought

The trees up here there are HUGE! The guy in the photo is my best friend, Morgan.

First campfire...

This tree struck me as odd. I call it "Flea Man".

Geraldine Lakes in Sequoia National Forest... Looks great from here, but let me tell you, it was mosquito heaven!

The obelisk taunts us from afar... "Can you climb me? Or are you just TOURISTS!"

Well, that was close enough for me... Back to the indoor gym where nary a mosquito may fly! :rolleyes:

There are many more to come, I promise! Keep checking back in for more!
This first pic is what 10 days of hiking and rockclimbing in the Sierras will do to your feet. Graphic... Sorry!

Here we are doing a little climbing in Berkeley Hills in - well - Berkeley, of course. That overhang was a bitch!
Looks amazing ...