some latest pictures of my profgree.

Yeah I gained some fat i'm around 165 to 170 now.

Post what you think? and what should I eat to gain weight faster?
If your goal is 180 you should go for it!...and then keep gaining, if you want to of course

What have you been eating? It seems like it's been working. Stick to the basic eating well and eating often. Get some protein with every snack and meal.

What's your routine like too? Does it feel like it's working? If you don't have a post workout shake/meal make sure youre getting them in.
Right now all I eat is:

Quick 1 minute Oatmeal- 1 to 2 times daily.
Whole grain bread-2 times daily.
Bagel-2 times daily usually but with no cream cheese nothing on it.
Cooked rice with milk--from time to time.
Whey proteins 3 times a week I only eat them before each workout and sometimes after.

If there is something else good to eat I eat it,right now i'm tryin to bulk and go to about 170 to 180 then I will try to cut myself for the middle summer.
Hey very good job! :)

Can you tell me what you do to get those muslces around your neck? You know...uh...(forgot their name), the ones above your collar bone.

Right now all I eat is:

Quick 1 minute Oatmeal- 1 to 2 times daily.
Whole grain bread-2 times daily.
Bagel-2 times daily usually but with no cream cheese nothing on it.
Cooked rice with milk--from time to time.
Whey proteins 3 times a week I only eat them before each workout and sometimes after.

If there is something else good to eat I eat it,right now i'm tryin to bulk and go to about 170 to 180 then I will try to cut myself for the middle summer. need A LOT more protein, you have next to nothing in the protein dept. Meats, chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, eggs, non fat dairy products, etc
Nobody said:
Hey very good job! :)

Can you tell me what you do to get those muslces around your neck? You know...uh...(forgot their name), the ones above your collar bone.

You mean the trapezius or "traps" Try these. dumbbell or barbell or any shrug, face pulls, narrow grip upright rows, hang cleans/snatches, deadlifts. There are a few more but those should keep you busy for a while :)
AJP said: need A LOT more protein, you have next to nothing in the protein dept. Meats, chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, eggs, non fat dairy products, etc

Agreed big time. Patriot, that's a really odd diet, it's looks like extreme anti-Atkins or something. High carb, low... everything else. You need more protein (aim for one gram per pound of bodyweight), and if you're trying to get bigger, you should have more fat too.
Nobody said:
Thanks a lot.

You're quite welcome, Mr Nobody