
Hello everyone!

My husband is wanting to go on the Slimfast diet! I was wondering if anyone has any input on Slimfast. Pros or Cons of using this product!

Ur input is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
IMO, slim fast isnt good nutrition. i looked at the label one time, low in protein with an abundance of sugar.
If you are going to go on any "diet" you should choose weight watchers. They teach moderation with portion sizing and healthy eating habits. Anytime you go ON a diet like slimfast, you have to go OFF the diet. This yo-yo has a detrimental effect on your body.
I was leary of it and tried a few snacks to keep me going and also found they they have alot of sugar content...
Well, my husband tried it and for the first month he lost 11 pounds; Eating semi-right and exercising; but starting the 2nd month; doing everything the same he quit losing weight; and started gaining again! So; he has decided to try to lose it naturally! Just by eating right and exercising!

:) Stacey :)
Good for him because it was probably the portion control which is why he lost...he can still do that just with more nutricous foods. I agree with the weight watchers also...friends of mine rave about it and they have lost big time.
I don't go...but I think you have your initial sign up fee which can be a little costly and then a monthly fee...something like that...portion control and a healthy ACTIVE lifestyle should do the trick...and that's what they will teach you...better said than sister in law goes...I now they were big on eating english muffins rather than bread...I personally don't eat bread unless it's a light rye (on occassion)...but I remember her saying that...and they can be filling...mmmm egg salad and toasted english muffin...
Well, I am not sure how much he wants to lose; he won't even tell me what he weighs! LOL But he knows my weight! But, he said that he is gonna try a strick diet and exercise! Maybe that'll work!

:) Stacey :)