Sleep Problem.

For the past week. I have been experiencing weird hours of sleeping. I would go to sleep at 10:30. P.M. Then I Wake up at 2:30 A.M. and feel that i cant back to sleep. I would have energy from the short amount of sleep. But then when 12:30 hits, i go to sleep for about four hours and then i have energy again.

Is this bad? I have been drinking lots of green tea lately. Is this the cause of this strange sleeping habit? I cant seem to get 8 hours of sleep anymore.
I have bad sleeping pattern as well but insomnia runs in the family. In my case I have lots of unnecessary, racing thoughts running through my head, and esp. when I'm going through some things. I don't know what it is in your case, aside from you mentioned, you have been drinking green tea (does it have caffeine?) What were your sleeping patterns prior to this? And also do you experience seasonal disorder? Someone that has that feels down during winter time i.e. depressed, messed up sleep, etc. You could try meditating if you think too much (like myself) or cut down on caffeine before you go to bed.
Def cut back on caffine, i dont drink caffine after 1:00pm. If i do drink coffee or something, i will have a racing mind all night!
Can I ask why you're drinking green tea? Is it for health reasons? If so, I recommend dropping it altogether since it's proven that there really is no connection between people who drink and people who don't.
The same thing happens to me if i drink any type of caffine after like 2:30. I would suggest you drop the green tea or switch it with a sugar free juice. (i watch my sugar intake)
Yup like everyone else says, cut off caffeine after 12 noon. Check your diet. are you drinking too much water before bed so that you have to wake up and pee. Did you not eat enough and woke up form hunger pain? Did you workout too hard and extensive; I mean 3+ hours of hard working out? keep things balance and your body is changing; keep it slow and moderate.
I must be a mutant, because I can pound a couple cans of Mt Dew and still pass out at 1030 and sleep like a baby.

But really, since the problem originated with the introduction of green tea, I would cut it from your intake, or at least cut it from afternoons and evenings. Truth be told you can supplement the antioxidants and whatnot that you get from green tea in other areas of your diet.
Daily meditation is a proven technique to encourage and promote relaxation. The more relaxed you are as you get ready for bed the better your chances of falling into a deep, restful sleep cycle.It is important that you learn to put your stress, tensions and worries to the side before you fall asleep. Meditation can help achieve this relaxed state and focus on peas and harmony.
@trantrios Tea contains caffine and that is the reason your sleeping time has been affected. Taking tea is not a problem but taking too much in a day can be problem so I suggest you to take twice in a day and in your case, try to take once in the morning. If the problem still continues, you can visit the doctor.
dip your feet in lukewarm or water at normal temerature for say 20 minutes before going to sleep. this will help u a lot