Skinny fat


Bobby Burns

36 years
38" waist

Bought a tape measure the other day and measured my waist, was horrified to discover that it was 38" no wonder I can't get a six pack, my body fat percentage must be about 20% I'm guessing.

Feel terrible that I've been a pig and eaten myself fat, now I have to struggle to lose the weight, my goal is a 32/34" waist, I've been doing lots of burpees and hill climbers and body weight exercises like chin ups, pull ups and press ups.

Long road ahead of me and all I can think about is all the food I'm craving like fish and chips and apple crumble with custard, my belly is grumbling just typing this.

I'll post my progress as I make it, until then wish me luck.
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Pot belly just for the record
Good Luck! Can i ask what approach you are taking :)

Healthy eating/clean eating habits, high protein, lots of lean meats, plenty of fruit veg, sweet potatoes and oats, no sweets or treats and exercise everyday with a mix of body weight muscle building and cardio, hill climbers and burpees.

I'm trying to gain muscle whilst losing fat at the same time so it's slow progress, but with the clean eating and regular exercise ill get there, eventually when i can afford it i'll get a gym membership and start lifting for maximum gains. thanks for asking.
Progress so far, 11 days since last pics. Added a little muscle lost a little belly
waiting your new pics whats results so far