
Yes, skateboarding, bicycling and stop motion are my favorite past times
I'd like to get into it because my brother spends 1/3rd of his day on the damn board lol it has gotta be fun
Hell yeah! it's a great cardiovascular workout which is so fun you don't even realise you're getting in shape. "longboarding" tends to be lower impact and more beneficial to your health. Long distance pumping (ldp) and slalom are great core workouts (they work on a similar premise, slalom is like an HIIT version). is a great resource for those looking to get into it.
Skate-boarding is something that I've always wanted to do and be good at.

But the best I can do is go to the top of a steep hill and sit on the board and roll down :(
I love skateboarding, more specifically longboarding. I always knew I was getting a workout from pumping up those long hills. I just always wondered if the workout was imbalanced? because you are only pumping with one leg.
son my best trick i can pop is a nollie inward-heel