Weight-Loss Six week nutritional plan and workouts!!!!

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Tyson Kimber

New member
Week 1-2
Two eggs, 1 Grilled chicken breast with Either two pieces whole wheat toast, or 1/4 cup oats
Almonds and half apple
Grilled chicken breast or turkey breast mixed veggies, brown rice or grilled chicken salad with balsamic dressing
Almonds, half apple or fruit of your choice
Fish or Grilled chicken mixed veggies
*drink water though out the day. (At least 2 liters) after workouts 2 scoops protein in almond milk.

Week 3-4
Breakfast 2-4 eggs (egg whites) with fruit (berries, banana ect) or Protein smoothie (1-2 scoops of protein powder blended with ice, 8 oz almond milk (or water), 1/2 banana or cup of fruit if your choice)
2 Rice cakes 2 tbsp of peanut butter or 3oz almonds or walnuts and apple
Fish, Chicken, Turkey 1/2 sweet potato w/ mixed veggies or Lean meat with salad and 1/4 avacado
Protein shake (2scoops in 8oz water) 3oz walnuts
Lean meat of your choice and cup of mixed veggies

Week 5-6
2-3 egg omlette with spinach, tomato with chicken breast or turkey
3oz almonds, Protein Shake (2 scoops in water)
Lean Meat, Mixed veggies or Meat of your choice in salad
Apple or 2 rice cakes with 2 tbsp peanut butter (one tbsp for each)
Fish of your choice and green beans, or veggie of your choice

Home workout
10-20 pushups
15-25 bodyweight squats
10 lateral raises with 10 front raises reverse flys (light weight)
Repeat X3
12 dumbbell squat curl press 10-20lbs
10 each stationary lunges 10-15lbs
35 - 45 second mountain climbers
Repeat X3
15 dumbbell chest press 15 - 20 lbs
* lying on the floor flat on your back with feet elevated
12-15 dumbbell overhead triceps extension 12 - 15 lbs
10 each side single arm plank low rows 10 - 20 lbs
30 - 45 second mountain climbers
Repeat X3
30-second crunch
30-second bicycles
12-15 each plank alternating leg lifts
Repeat X3
*Hold plank 30sec-1 minute
Gym Workouts
#1 Upper body (shoulder & back)
10 db front raises
10 db reverse flys
15 "light" barbell military presses (same weight)
12 Assisted pull ups
10 each alternating plank rows
*repeat x3
10 db Arnold presses (increase weight)
12 lateral raises
15,12,10 lat pulls (increase weight)
12 10,10 seates cable rows (increase weight)
*repeat x3
12 db pull overs
10 hammer curl to neutral presses
12 T bar rows (increase weight)
12 lat pull (under hand close grip) increase weight
repeat ×3

#2 lower body
*using the machine not plate loaded leg press*
15,12,10,8 each single leg leg press (begin with light weight and increase)
12 barbell squats (small bar use a challenging weight)
*repeat x4
10 each db bench split stance squat (OTF single leg)
15 light leg extensions (focus on hold at the top and slow on the eccentric)
12 db HEAVY sumo squats
12 db deadlifts (moderately heavy)
12 barbell hip raises
12 each alternating plank leg lifts
*repeat ×3

#3 Upper body (chest bis&tris)
15 push ups
12 body weight bench dips
12 db hammer curls
*repeat x3
12,10,10,8 db incline chest press (increase weight each set)
10 Incline db curls (palms up)
*repeat ×4
12 cable flys
12 overhead tricep extensions
15 TRX curls
*repeat x3
* repeat warm up x3

#4 BONUS (Full Body)
15 "light" machine leg curls
12 each body weight single leg hip raises
12 push ups
12 close grip db chest presses
*repeat x3
12,10,10,8 Barbell deadlifts
12,10,10,8 db flat chest presses
*repeat x4 (increase weight each set)
12,10,10,8 plate loaded leg presses
10 each db alternating reverse lunges
10 lateral raises/front raises/ reverse flys (light)
10 seated db shoulder presses
*repeat x3
10 barbell (small bar) rows
10 barbell "under hand" rows
10 barbell curls
*all performed with the smaller bar moderate weight *
12 assisted pull ups
*repeat x3
core & cardio
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