Shivvering while running

I am a bit concerned. The past 2 times that I have gone running I have gotten a bit cold from time to time during the 3 mile circut. It isn't like I get cold for long, but maybe for a few steps I get a chill and then it goes away. I am running in Texas in August at 4:30PM or so and it is probably 100+. I shouldn't be cold even in a light t-shirt and shorts!

My first thought was dehydration - but I don't know if I can drink any more water. I usually drink about a gallon at work (1/2 to 1 gallon anyway), plus another 5 glasses (10 to 15 ounces each) while I am at home. Sometimes more! And then I also drink some before and after I work out.

So does anyone have any ideas?
I always get that. It feels like its my body trying to cool off. Right after that I realize I'm sweating bullets.
I understand about the sweating bullets! I went running one time and after I got back my wife thought that I had been rained on. Nope, that is just my normal shirt when I get back.
100 degrees is really hot to be running in. Scince it is the time of the year that it is, why don't you try running in the mornings and afternoon? Or does your schedule allow you to do that? I garrantee you that it is your body trying to cool down. Chills in that type of heat is a warning of a heat stroke. Keep on drinking the water and be careful. If I were you, I would find another time to run.
Chills may occur when the body runs out of fluids and the skin becomes nearly dry. This running out may only be a temporary thing and then you body transport system moves more fluids from the blood to the sweat glands and then you very quickly are very wet again. When you sweat a lot you develop this fluid transport system and are able to more efficiently move fluids to the sweat glands where they are needed to cool you off. That's why a conditioned athlete can endure heavy exervise in high temperature that would quickly kill an unconditioned individual.
MM, This is the only time that I have to work out. Between work and the family (especially the baby), I either work out at 4pm (ish) or not at all. I chose the 4pm workout time.

dswithers, Does that mean that as my body becomes used to this and the transport mechanism gets better that I shouldn't get this as much? I have noticed it lessening, but it also hasn't been as hot this week.
Maybe it could be the movement into second wind. Your body all of a sudden gets this second wind. Maybe in the middle of your daily run. You should have a drink that has a little carbs in it. such as a sport drink (even watered down). If you are running in that heat you should be drinking more than just water in your runs! hope this helps. Good luck!
Ya. Just drink lots of water, and you could even drink a sports drink about an Hour and a half/2 hours before you run.
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