San Fernando Valley CA...supportive meet for coffee.....


New member

Would you like a "once a week friend," who will not judge you for eating a box of Hagen Daz, or who will not think you are strange for drinking only V8's for a week. (Incidentally V8's are a form of torture in my opinion.) Interested in learning some great slow cooker recipes?

I'm looking for a friend who would like to get together once a week to meet for a coffee, a walk in the park, or whatever......and support each other in our weight loss goals.

If you'd like a supportive friend, and live in my area, drop me a line.

I'm a 44 year old female, an avid reader, introvert, with a good heart...and an an apple shape. I am not pregnant, but receive inquiries about every 3 months about my baby. You must also promise not to ask me when my "baby" is due, or inquire about the gender of my "baby."

Thank you.

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