Rowing Machine Help

Hey there :D

So, I was thinking about buying a rowing machine. I know concept 2's are the best but are a little out of my price range. What are some of the best rowers out there for a reasonable price? Preferably one with alot of resistance.

And I would also like to know some of your experience with it. Did you get a full body workout from it? Was it effective?

Thanks :)
Having had a couple of rowing machines at home i can safely say i really wouldnt bother with anything apart from a concept 2 now....i found them clunky and awkward to be honest!

Kepp your eyes out on eBay, gumtree and mention at a local gym if they are getting rid of equipment.
Hey, thanks for replying
Was hoping it wouldnt have to come down to a concept 2. Cheapest one I can find is $900
Lol I didnt think rowers were gonna cost so much when I started to research em.