
firebrick century large

Hello, I am new to this forum. I have a question that concerns me. My husband is in to fitness and he is trying to take to jogging. The problem is ever time he does it, he comes back and he can barely walk. He has been doing it almost ever day since last month. . . is this normal?? In both legs, from the middle of his calves to the tendons in his foot, throb ever time. He can barely walk, it hurts him so much. Does anyone have any idea of what could be the cause? :confused:
Well, I'm no braniac when it comes to this, but it probably depends on his age. Also, if he's not used to running, maybe his body just has'nt adjusted. How far does he run? You can also try calling your doctor. It could,nt hurt. Oh ya, welcome top the site.
My husband is only 32. He jogs for maybe a couple of blocks before he can't run anymore. He is a flat-foot, no heel arc at all, could that have anything to do with it? Plus, could not having regular jogging shoes be a problem? I know, I am stretching. . . but there has to be a reason. Thank you, Muscle Man for your reply and your help!
Depending on his weight and overall physical condition, jogging without good shoes can cause lots of stress to the ankle joint and calf muscles. A lot of streching before and after running and proper shoes are a must. Also, if he's just starting out he hould not jog more than every other day or every third day to allow plenty of time for the joint and muscles to recover. He can and should stretch every day.
Your welcome.
Also, make sure he drinks plenty of water. That could be the cause right there...if he is'nt drinking enough water.
I had the same problem with my feet. Get him some proper shoes and see if that makes a difference, I know it did for me! Specifically he will need the right shoes for the way he walks/runs so make sure that they are professionally fitted. My stride tends to roll in at the end and my feet would kill me until I got some good shoes, so that is where I would start!

Stretching and water are always good ideas, as well.
I would have him ask the questions, but. . . he's the type who likes to do things himself. Haha! He doesn't even ask for directions! But, you are right, I will get him on here.
Stretching, good running shoes, proper hydration, all of these things may help. Here are a few ideas that haven't been mentioned. Orthodic shoe inserts (see a podiatrist or shoe store with a foot specialist), after spending years as a copetitive runner I've noticed that arch inserts can do wonders for flat footed runners. Try running on the toes and ball of the foot more, this reduces the shock that leads to many leg and foot problems. A good massage can loosen muscles and increase blood flow to alleviate pain before running, a post run massage can aid in recovery and alleviate pain as well. THE LIFE SAVER TIP: after running and throughly stretching, soak both legs up to the knee in ice water. Soak each leg for 10-15 minutes and repeat 1-2 times. By the way 2 blocks of running on a daily basis is hardly too much exercise for anyone, let hubby run to his heart's content, just make sure he takes care of his body before, during, and after.