Question about Abdominals

Hi there, for the past 2 months i have been training really hard especially on my abs. I was around 94kg and around 185cm something like that. Now with diet and exercise i have gone down to 86kg. My abs are showing a straight line, i am also taking Xstreme Power Whey Complex. I am crazy about my abs showing and toning up, of course i know that hard work has to be put in. The problem is that i have a limit of how much cardio i do since i have a cruciate and cartilage damage which i need surgery for. I recently bought the LA MUSCLE - SIX PACK PILL course which has :

Amount per Capsule

Choline Bitartate150mgs
Chromium Piccolinate50mcgs

Just wanted to see if this reduces the time i can get my abs showing (of course givin that i will continue with my exercises and diet)
How do you train your abs? Are they there but just covered or are they small?
They are not small as they used to be, just a little covered, i have seen great results in the past 2 months. I train them with crunches, obliques, little cardio and so on.
In a nutshell:

- There is no benefit that I know of that protein complexes provide over just plain whey. Just a tip that might save you money.

- People seem to think that running is the only form of cardio there is. You can do lower impact forms, such as cycling, rowing, swimming, or go on the elliptical.

- That six-pack pill's consists of ingredients that either haven't been proven to have any benefit to performance or image or even have adverse health effects. (And any claim that a pill will specifically target your abs is just plain BS.) Sorry, but you wasted your money. Take em back or throw them out.
Thanks for the help i appreciate. Just for curiosity is there any supplements that might help? Thanks
Nothing supplements exercise and proper diet. You just need to properly condition and take care of yourself instead of looking for short-cuts. Supplements are meant to help you if you're not receiving enough of a certain nutrient. It takes drugs to speed up the fat burning in your body, and that's somewhere you don't want to go.
Thanks for the help :) No way i'm using drugs to speed up that's for sure. The way i see it drugs are for losers.
Your abs will only grow a finite amount using body weight exercise. You need to add weight, do weighted crunches etc. Squatting will also building all your core muscles and would be worth a try if you are not doing them already.
You could cut out those supps and get the same results. Abs are made in the kitchen. You can't out train bad nutrition.

You can do 100 crunches a day, or 2 sets of weighted 3x8 decline situps a week and get better results. Abs are a muscle, just like your biceps, and working them without weight is only going to get you but so far.

After doing my main compounds(Squat and deads), I only hit abs once a week, and that's Friday's. I do a 3x8 set of weighted sutups with a 45lb weight on my chest.

People seem to think that running is the only form of cardio there is. You can do lower impact forms, such as cycling, rowing, swimming, or go on the elliptical.

Agreed. You can also get some practice gloves and go at it on a heavy bag for 20 minutes. You can use battle ropes for 15 minutes a day. You could even grab some heavy dumb bells and do farmers walks. All of those get your heart rate way up and kill fat, not to mention, they are low impact.

Its not easy to gain needs a lot of dedication towards your workout...