Sport protein?

Sport Fitness
ok, i've been doing a bit of research on foods and there nutritional values. if i need to eat 140+ grams of protein a day. how the heck am I supose to do that!?!? could someone give me like a example of what a days worth of meals would be to get enough protein?

in other words, in one day what would i have to eat to get 140 grams of protein?

I had to add in a protein shake...

But the back of the package should give you all of the relevant information for prepared foods. Just make sure you actually read and pay attention to the information there.
I usually drink a can of slim-fast after a work-out (along with other things) which is 10-15 grams of protein depending on the flavor.

Chic-fil-a sandwhiches are a popular choice in my diet as well. After a work-out I sometimes make a stop for 2 sandwhiches (1 chargrilled / 1 fried). Each sandwhich has 32 grams of pretein I believe.

Another thing are veggie burgers. I actually like how they taste when ketchup / mustartd is added. They are very low in fat (I believe some have no sat. fat) and contain (I believe) 12 grams of protein per patty.
Yea, trying to get that much protein is tuff. I did some easy things like adding protein to my yogart and eating another peice of meat with my meals ... however, I don't think you should punish yourself for not reaching that goal because look at the majority of people out there aren't even getting close to this requirement ... just do your best.
I eat lots of Tuna and about 170g of protein per day takes a while to get your body used to it...drink lots of water to clean your kidney's out though, the keotones (SP?) can hurt you if you dont....
If you are really trying to put on some muscle i would try and get in 1 1/2 grams of protein per pound that you weigh. I know that sounds like a lot but it will be worth it.

Start off the morning by eating eggs and maybe a couple of cerial bars. 4-6 eggs if your tryin to be healthy just eat the egg whites. Try and eat 6-8 meals a day. Chicken steak tuna salmon turkey whatever you can eat. If you are tryin to get big and have a high metabilism dont worry too much about eating clean (healthy no fat). Ans dont forget about carbs! Pasta rice bread. Eat it up man and you will get big! No matter how hard you work out you wont see results without a lot of protein, carbs and calories.

And after you work out try and get in 40 or 50 grams of protein. Take a shake if possible, its a lot easier that way.

Good luck
I don't know if I would agree with 1.5 grams per pound of boudy weight, but I would try for 1.5 grams per pound of "Lean" body mass.
I was thinking about the question, eating in the middle of the night and ran across this article. It's long, but interesting about nighttime feeding and protein breakdown/etc.
BTW, the body absorbs the protein from egg whites better if they are cooked rather than raw.