progress pictures

the first picture is just pretty odd but i just wanted to take something before I started working out.

This was probably 2 years ago, 1rm bench press 95lb. (170lb 14.5% bf)

This was last september, 1rm bench press 185lb (185lb 16% bf i think)

I thought that was pretty good progress, accept for getting acne at like the end of highschool, not cool at all. And the progress would have been a lot better, but its not like i was working out all that time, if I would have kept at it I could probably be a beast, but i had just got out of the swing of things quite a few times.
Anyways now I have started working out again in the last few months and am little over 200lb with about 17.5% bf and bench 1rm 205, I am getting kind of fat but i am gaining enough strength and lean weight to make me happy.

My goals are to 1rm bench 255 by the end of summer and be able to dunk easy playing bball before i start cutting, so when i do lose that weight then maybe i can really fly or something (a sad 20 inch vertical right now). BTW im 19 years old and 6'4. and thanks for all the help and info from this site because thats where i have got alot of info over the past few years, ill post another picture when i get to my goal.
I like the hair cut transformation.
haha about the hair, thats not how i wore it when it was that long, thats why the picture is funny, that was in a bad stage when i was growing it out for cornrows and what not, and in the second one when it is buzzed is like hte first time i had cut it since then,other than to get a mullet first:)
haha mreik, i really didnt squat all that time working out, just leg press once in awhile, but in the since the new year i have been squatting, and i started out repping like 3x8 85lb on squat, and am up to reppin 3x8 195lb just since then(now ive put the weight down and am trying different variations of squats), my legs are so much bigger and defined than they use to be, but hasnt translated into any jumping (but i am alot faster at sprinting now).