Progress Pics 5/09 to 4/10

Here are some progress pics of my progress over the last year. I'm 5'11" and started in May of '09 at 260lbs. I'm now 210lbs and looking to get down to 190lbs by August.
great job so far....keep it up
Very nice progress. What kind of workouts?

Thanks....I've been mixing it up a lot. I usually train about 6 days a week. I lift about 5 of the days switching up between moderate weight/high intensity/high reps and heavier weight/lower rep routines. I run right after I lift and on my days off from lifting for anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes (3 to 6miles). I switch my cardio up from long range endurance to HIIT frequently. I've got my training journal started here on the forum. I also throw in workouts from p90x and Insanity whenever I can't get to the gym. I feel I'm at a point where my results are starting to accelerate and want to stay ahead of the game, so any input or suggestions on how to keep the progress at this rate or better is greatly welcomed.
The amount of variety you have is what is making everything speed up, frankly, you are training better than most.

One thing I have been contemplating lately. Nervous system adaptations. I've read somewhere and the sources we're good, that when you train this sytem thoroughly you get stronger without necessarily gaining size. The signals and responses become quicker and stronger.


Instead of doing 3x10 (at max load) chin ups you'd do 20x5 (at moderate or light load) chin ups throughout the day. This basically does not cause the muscle to fatigue but, at least, generates way more signals in the nervous system; thus increasing it's effectiveness and strength.

You kind of need the proper environment to do this, but this works. I tested this personally at work - I manage an inventory and in between isles I got these bars linking the shelves together - I do a few reps once in a while during the day and it keeps my upper body in good shape.

Nerves are like muscles, but you cause anabolism or development in them by bombarding them with signals rather than a load.

It's the only thing I can offer, cause, frankly, your doing everything pretty damn thoroughly atm.

An example of someone who was good at this: Bruce Lee

Tell me how a man can weigh 160lbs at his prime and lift 70# and hold it for 15 minutes at arms length? Combination of endurance and a nervous system (which is also the mind) that is right up there.

Bruce Lee is a little outdated in the power department, MMA fighters are better because of this now, but he had efficiency down to a key. If you combine his efficiency with your power - :boxing_smiley:
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Thanks for the support bro. Yeah, I read a bunch of articles on CNS a couple of years ago and always wanted to try and employ some of that into my routines but could never get away from good ole' fashion progressive overload! I would ideally like to do what you suggested but that would be almost impossible with my work. Do you have any links or articles to that type of training? I'd like to read up on it some more. The other thing I am looking at is maybe getting into the local CrossFit gym a couple times a week.
it's fun compairing the items in your bathroom.

you definantly went from "kinda fat" to "kinda fit". Lookin' good.

Thanks....I'm trying hard! Gotta take some more updated pics. I haven't dropped any pounds since that last pick, but have definitely toned up even more. I seem to be getting more fired up and working out more intensely as the Summer weather approaches!
awesome man!