Weight-Loss Possible June Challenge?



Well-known member
Hey guys. I was thinking of organizing a challenge in June. Would anyone be interested in participating? I was thinking it would include some kind of activity goal, some kind of diet/nutrition goal, and a general weight goal each week. For instance:

Activity goal: get 10,000 steps each day
Nutrition Goal: drink no calories

Those are just a couple of examples and I'd be more than willing to take suggestions from anyone who might want to join in.
I'm new and interested. Gotta start somewhere. Don't be discouraged if it's just us.
I'd be interested for sure. For me drinking more water is a big thing I think. And definitely exercise, whether walking or running or weights or whatever, I need to do something.
Wonderful! And welcome to the forum Junkfoodie. So I'm thinking a good way to do this is for each person to set up their own food, exercise, and weight goals. That makes this challenge pretty flexible and means that people don't have to conform to challenge guidelines that don't work for them.
Alright, so June starts tomorrow. I think this should be a 5 week challenge to include the 28th through the 30th.

Week 1 goals:
Walk 10,000 steps every day
Drink no calories
Lose 1.5 lbs
I'm in!
Week 1 goals:
Run 15 miles
Drink no calories
Eat no calories after dinner
Lose 2 pounds

I'll weigh in the morning.

I chose 2 pounds a week for the monthly weightloss challenge so I will stick to that.
261! That's a 6 pound jump in a day! BS, but I will crush the 2 pounds for the week.

I ran 2.3 miles today so 12.7 to go. Drank no calories and won't eat since dinner is over. Good luck everyone!
Good job today, Quercus!

I did way more than 10,000 steps and drank no calories. I think 1.5 lbs this week should be very doable.
Drank 0 cals
Ate 0 cals after dinner
5K in 29:41

Drank 0 cals
will eat 0 cals after dinner
29:21 5K
11 miles ran so far this week. I'm 0.2 pound above last Saturday's weight, but still 1.2 pounds over the previous Sunday. Obviously 2 pounds below Monday's weight happened, but I'd really like to be below 254 by week's end.

Cory, I have no idea how many steps make what distance, but 10 grand seems like a lot. Good job with the 0 cals drank!
10,000 is about 5 mile-ish. And to be fair, the main reason I didn't get them in yesterday was because I spent my lunch hour flirting with a dude at work instead of walking like I usually do.

Great job today! Looks like you're starting to lose whatever that seven pound jump was.

I did good today too. Got all my steps in and then did a hike on top of it and I drank no calories.
I was bad and drank calories Friday and Saturday. I'm back to 254.4 which is more than 2 pounds from teh 1st, but just back to where I was 2 weeks ago. I've run 15.1 miles and I will run at least a mile today as well. I snacked after dinner Friday night too.

eat no cals after dinner 6/7
drink no calories 5/7
loose 2 pounds yes (technically)
run 15 miles yes at least 16.1
I will start tomorrow, drink no calories, an go to gym 3 days a week, low carb eating.

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Your right, that's why I give myself a cheat day, not to gorge, but to eat out, or have a drink. And keep it within portion ! Start a habit is all, if you mess up, just start over, don't give up ?

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Then join on in! We're about to start the second week of the challenge, so set some goals for yourself and keep track in this thread.

Ok, so I got 10,000 steps every day through the weekend, but did have a couple of cocktails on Saturday night. I also lost 2.5 lbs so I surpassed my weight goal this week.

Week 2 goals:
drink no calories
track macros
try two forms of exercise I've never done or don't do often
lose 1 lb

I set my weight loss goal a little smaller this week because I've lost quite a bit of weight in the last two weeks and I'm expecting a slow-down soon.