Pop Up Ads On Bottom Of Screen...


New member
Yeeeeeah, those gotta go. If I have one more of those damned things pop up when I browse through this site, I'm going to have hate sex with your kitten. And, I'm going to tape it and upload it to YouTube so your mom sees it.

Seriously, though...those ads are ridiculously annoying. I find it hard to believe that anybody is clicking on them and buying stuff. Sooooo, let's get rid of them. Mmmkay? Mmmkay.
lol, I hate them too!!!!!! :reddevil:
Hmmm...not sure which pop-ups you mean to be honest. I've never noticed them, but then again, I have a pop-up blocker which might take care of them. Not sure.
i didnt' notice them either....not until I had to change my PW...so my info wasn't saved. When I came to the site to log in, I saw the pop up and WOW was it big! Since i've been logged on, I havn't seen any.
The ads start off as a thin bar at the bottom of the page and then "grow" into a nearly full page ad after about 2 seconds. Currently, it's showing a Jeep advertisement. You can X out of it, but it just minimizes it back down to a thin bar. From there, you can then X out of it completely. It happens every single time I log into the site here.

I know my opinion won't change things, but...it sucks. Just thought I'd let you know, HAHAHA
those ads should only be showing up for guests

Hmm...I guess I'm just a guest here :sniffle: But, that's ok...that just means I can pee in the pool and everybody will blame it on the weird looking guy in 4A. You know, the one with the constant dandruff and randomly appearing milk mustache? Eww, yeah...THAT guy.



...aww, I'm THAT guy :( :sniffle: