Please help.

Hey guys. I am trying to reduce my 1,2, and 3 mile times right now. The thing is, I am one of those people that has to work their tale off to get any results. Even my coach said so. I am a sophmore in HS and I run about 7-8 miles in practice every day. On top of that, this past summer I ran 8 miles a day and ran in the pull, the the last two weeks I ran 10 miles a day. The results I have right now? 5:39 in the mile,12:03 in the two mile, and 19:10 in the three. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. For track season I also want to run the 400m, mile, and maybe even two miles.
You need to mix up your distances and try some other techiniques as well, like up hill runs and interval training or wind sprints. If I were you I do one long run a week at least 6 miles and up to 12 miles if you can handle it. On 2-3 other days of the week do shorter runs of 3 miles. Then do 1-2 days a week of interval training or wind sprints. Also don't neglect some strength training for your legs as well as your upper body to keep good balance and build core strength. Two days a week during track season you should hit the weights and three days a week during the off season.
Thanks for the reply. I have neglected the weaght room all together ever scince I started the summer training. It seems when my mind gets set on something it is set on that one thing. I havnt done any hill work at all. I will try this and see how it works out. Thanks again.
One other thing... If you want to improve in the 1, 2, and 3 mile areas - make sure you do 1, 2, and 3 mile runs. This kinda goes along with what dswithers mentioned, but more specifically if you want to improve something then you have to make sure that you actually DO that something.

Yeah, and hit the weights as well. You really are doing well... I wish my 3 mile time was that low. I am at 28 minutes right now. Shooting for 10k in 50 minutes in about 6 months.
Thanks Karlog. Will do. I always say where there is a will, there's a way. You can get that time down. If you were on my CC team, you would'nt be the slowest. The record for the slowest runner is 29:33. Yep, thats it.
Dang. And I am just working on loosing weight and getting back into shape. The time is (and has) come down. It will continue to do so as long as I don't get sick again - like I was last week. Not looking forward to today as it will be my first run in over a week (usually do it 3 times a week).
You might just pull your best time today. My coach told me that when you train non-stop for many weeks, it doesnt hurt to take one off. Tell me how you idd.
I did great... sitting on my butt! Due to work scheduling late meetings and the wife having to work late I was stuck at home taking care of the 1 year old. I will give you a time tomorrow - I *WILL* run tomorrow, and Wednesday, and Friday! dangint! Maybe Thursday thrown in there for good measure!
Bah! My legs were ready for a 26 minute circut, but my lungs couldn't cut it. I made the first mile in about 7 minutes but after another half mile I started having problem with my nose running and loosening up the crap left in my lungs from being sick last week. After 2.5 miles I was done (someof that had already been walking) - 23 minutes for 2.5 miles. We will see what tomorrow and later this week looks like...
Try running hills, and I mean up AND down...running uphill will increase your stride frequency and downhill will increase your stride length and turnover. Both of these types of running will improve your form on flat running. The better your form, the less energy expended, therefore the more/faster you can run!

Just a little tip from an ex-track athlete ;) I am 5'3" so I had to work on my stride length to better my sprints...running downhill was a big help. However, progress into it slowly because there is a very high eccentric force and you'll get pretty sore!

Keep me posted :D
Hey...7 minutes for the first mile isnt bad. If you can work to maintain that on through you would have a 21 minute mile. Keep on working hard. You'll get there.