Personal Training Certifications

Hello, I am interested in becoming certified as a personal trainer for part-time or full-time until I go back to school to get a degree in Chiropractics. I would like to hear people's opinion about their experience or knowledge about which program is appropriate. I am debating between NASM, ACSM, ISSA, etc. or which would be more beneficial to pursue granting that my career may involve Chiropractics or research (Human Performance). I am also interested to know if either NASM or ACSM are recognized internationally as I may live in the UK for a while.

Any advice would be appreciated,

Thank you
I don't live in America, so I don't know much about each of those certifications (even though I do know of them), but I know that in Australia none of those certs are valid, so I assume they wouldn't be in UK, either.
I'm a Canadian like Goldfish, but I have heard of ACSM and NSCA, both of which are valid in Canada (if not as well-known as Canadian-based certs). That being said, to my knowledge, both of those organizations are fairly up-to-date and I would personally consider them over many other organizations. Bear in mind that every organization regardless will have their own biases and by-the-book rules that might conflict with realistic thought process.
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