Performance -Not Enough!

Sorry Doc,, just teasing you. Hope you wont quit reading my thingy,,, I need the encouragement.

for yesterday
May 29th, 2007

Calories Eaten Today
grams cals %total
Total: 2181
Fat: 93 840 40%
Sat: 25 226 11%
Poly: 20 180 9%
Mono: 42 379 18%
Carbs: 222 817 39%
Fiber: 17 0 0%
Protein: 116 463 22%
Alcohol: 0 0 0

Calories Burned Today
cals % total
Total: 4246
Basal: 1970 46%
Lifestyle: 1187 28%
Activities: 1088 26%

My girly came along for the bike ride, it slowed me down, but it was fun, and she's got a cute butt when she's pumpin that bike.

Then I ran, and then grinded my body at the park with pull ups, pushups, handstand, crunches, leg lifts, just gettin the sweat on,,, torture the dang thang!!!

lesson (not learned) but re-enforced!! - When life is full fo stress and crazy and trying to make me break, exercise and working out is a great release!
day of good discipline. I even felt some hunger for a time. The board is helping me to keep my eye on what I'm doing much better. Dropped 5 lbs, but may be partial dehydration from a vigorous workout tonight

stopped and swam 1.75 miles in rough open water, and then got out and ran 2 miles at a pretty good clip,,, threw in some pushups at home,, only 70.

Calories Eaten Today
grams cals %total
Total: 1350
Fat: 40 356 27%
Sat: 12 111 8%
Poly: 7 60 5%
Mono: 17 153 12%
Carbs: 201 737 56%
Fiber: 17 0 0%
Protein: 54 216 17%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

Calories Burned Today
cals % total
Total: 3797
Basal: 1970 52%
Lifestyle: 1200 32%
Activities: 627 17%

Lesson learned: It feels kind of good to have an empty, totally empty stomach. it feels like there is some reward in it.
Making some major changes in life right now. Career wise. Have been getting my sweat on, bu tbeing regular at a computer and tracking myself is a challenge.

I went hard core mouintain biking today, off road, for 2.5 hours. Kept consumption in control an will tally it all up and edit this post.

Read in maximum fitness abotu the metal for working the abs, and got a lot out of it. My abs are even sore a bit,, in the oblique area.

Calories Eaten Today
grams cals %total
Total: 2235
Fat: 86 775 36%
Sat: 29 259 12%
Poly: 27 243 11%
Mono: 26 232 11%
Carbs: 247 923 43%
Fiber: 16 0 0%
Protein: 117 468 22%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

Calories Burned Today
cals % total
Total: 4657
Basal: 1970 42%
Lifestyle: 1146 25%
Activities: 1540 33%
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FF - you're doing great...especially with all the changes. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help y'all out.

Ran 2.5 miles first thing this morning for the sunrise and it was totally cool. When I stopped to do pullups, I found i was much stronger than when i work out in the evening. My pushup were firmer, my crunches felt deeper. But when I stretched i found I was less elastic, even after the workout.
OK OK,,, new business started. i was traveling for a full 6 days, and did i ever have a time of it. One day i got to work out at this Eastern wellness center. i highly recommend it... they even had bamboo (live bamboo) resistance equipment, if you can call it equipment...

i have lost 6 lbs..

sitting here in my new office eating Quinoa and chicken breast. I'm back, and hoping to have a regular routine to keep up to date here. this place is helping me.

Toooooo exciting to get a few comments,,, thanks all thanks so much.

took a brisk walk at lunch and it felt good. I will run tonight and be at TaeKwonDo.

losing the entrigue with the fitday program, it is seeming like crapola to me. I had sex this morning and sweat, definatley rigorous activity, and it gave me 24 calories burned for that. then i ate a cup of quinoa for lunch and fitday says it is 600+ cals, when the box claims 170. What's up with that?

anyhow, being active and working my tail off to feel good is what it is all about.

thinking of ditching fitday Doc! what are you finding?

Progress photo:
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Like anything else, I think you get the most out of fitday from what you put into it. I'd put in everything you eat as a custom food, that way you know that what's on the package is what's in fitday.
I'm putting just about everything in as a custom food in FitDay-- wife gives me a little crap for it, but I'm interested in tracking it as much as possible (and as accurately as possible). At the very least, it's really made me start looking at the labels again... About the only things I haven't been customizing are the veggies (which I'm not convinced are accurate) and the eggs (again...just not sure...will probably add them in as custom tonight).

As for the activities? I'm with you there-- just don't understand the logic used to come up with some of those activity calculations. BUT...not sure it matters in the long run because I'm far more interested in tracking my overall diet using FitDay than my activities...just putting those in there for a "ballpark" feel.

You're doing great effer...but you've got a ways to go, heh heh. :D
oh great Stingo!! you are great for me- hahahaha

Do more work with the details!!!! yuck! can't they just fix everythign for me? yeah yeah ok... I will try. Thanks. hahahaa I'm being a bit saucy this afternoon.
oh great Stingo!! you are great for me- hahahaha

Do more work with the details!!!! yuck! can't they just fix everythign for me? yeah yeah ok... I will try. Thanks. hahahaa I'm being a bit saucy this afternoon.

Next you'll be wanting to "do the machines" after doing your 1,000 crunches and bicep curls in the squat rack... (while chugging Diet Coke Plus...)
on the crunches I have found that 20 hard deep slow contracted thru the entire motion will do more than 1000. it is the heat that works it.

TaeKwonDo last nigth and then an hour for the demo team, hit the body hard, have a black eye coming in, and tonight I will run/sprint/run til i puke-- just for fun.

challenged the doc to throw in 150 pushups along with anythign else. I have done 75 so far.

another day of health, happiness, and fitness
OK, i'll go ahead and post it.

i am having a hard time iwth discipline. i want to thin down, but i like eating whatever i want. A decision an da commitment need made. crap! i hate it when things get real. Transparency and maybe i can really change.

thanks to the leanbean.

I have the muscles, it's just underneath this 1 inch thick layer of fat.

i'm open to suggestion on handling the mentals that are within this thick skull.
OK today is much better. Weight has settled in at 198.
Played tennis this morning, 7 games, or 2 matches, and my partner finally quit. Then wen to TaeKwonDo for 3 tournament rounds, about 30-40 minutes of sparring in all. Ran home from dojo, for a total of 3.7 miles.

this mornin when i got up, i ate two chicken breasts, a yogurt, one egg, and an orange. Had 2 cliff bars (one after tennis, an one before run) came home showered, and now i will watch a movie with my lady!! hanky panky on the brain,, testosterone is flowing.

Learned something in discussion with wife,,, when i am not agressively physically active, I am a bit testy!!! hhheheee is it a curse!! NOT for me.
So you need some serious motivational support with your dietary needs...Are you more motivated during the week and not as motivated on the weekend?

And where does all of that energy come from? You seriously need to bottle that and sell it -- you would be a billionaire I am sure!

You need more protein in your diet? ;)