Pain above/behind collarbones

Hey all!

I just started noticing this pain several weeks ago and I have no idea how I first got it.

I really only feel it when I do DB Incline Chest Press or Seated Military press. It is a shooting pain around the base of my neck behind/above both clavicles. It does not hurt to touch and it goes away after 10 minutes, with the initial pain being the worst (on a scale of 1-10, it's an 8). It also hurts if I'm just holding weights by my side...

I am pretty sure it's muscular, but I am not entirely sure. I was thinking maybe a strain in my Sternocleidomastoid? The weird thing is that I have the same exact pain in the same exact spot on both sides....I know the Sternocleidomastoid is a weird muscle to injure, but I can't think of what else it would be..

It could be an even deeper muscle though which I'm not sure of.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before? I really appreciate any help on this. This thing is really starting to bug me...