p90x or something better?


New member
I'm sure this question has been asked a million times, so if I am in forum violation for any reason, I apologize, and feel free to take down this post.

I curious about p90x for myself. I have a friend who owns the DVDs and such and has told me i'm welcome to use it anytime I wish since he knows I'm beginning a journey to lose weight. However, after reading alot on it, many people say p90x--even for those semi-fit--'kicks your butt' and has you sore for days after.

Is that true? I admittingly am horribly out of shape and don't want to get into something I can only do 5-10 minutes of at a time. Is there something better or 'less intense' that anyone would recommend to go with, or is p90 the way to go and just make myself deal with it?

Thank you in advance!
From the reviews and people on this site, the P90x actually does show results. All this has to be combined with changes to your diet to lower your calories but yes, I've yet to really find anything wrong with the workout itself.
Do you think the workout is too hard though to the point it wouldn't be benificial to me? I have done dieting and eating well successfully before, so I know what works for me there, it's just the exercise 'program' I can't find to fit my needs.
I know I can push myself mentally, I just worry about whether or not my body can handle it. From what my friends have told me it has kicked their butt, and they were in relatively much better shape that I would be starting off.
What Jericho said. There is no way of knowing if it's "too hard" until you try it. Since your friend is offering you the chance to try his copy w/out having to buy it, I'd say why not give it a go. If it's too hard, you'll know and you can move on to something else.

As far as being so hard it's not beneficial ... there's really not such a thing. I mean even people who go into military boot camp and are out of shape - they go into a situation that's brutally hard, and come out of it improved at the end. Not that I recommend that strategy! :) It's a little intense for my taste and making yourself miserable can backfire mentally and emotionally because you won't feel like continuing.

And obviously over training can be bad because it weakens you and makes it harder for you to recover - but you will eventually. :)

Just try it. You have nothing to lose, you might enjoy it, and really ... only you can decide if it works for you. :)
Well, like I said we can't say if it will or not because we aren't you.

However, you said he is going to let you borrow it so why not just try it. You know your body and if it's too much for you.
p90x is successful for the same reason that most programs should be successful. It combines proper eating with good exercise. If you follow any program like that you will be successful, so there is no reason to bash the p90x program. It all comes down to motivation and dedication ...
I love the P90X program.

I am 45 days into it, and it's:

a) Keeping my interest
b) kicking my butt, daily
c) bringing me major results
d) instilling proper eating habits

is it hard? YES. But like everything, it's as hard as you make it. I bring it every workout, and I leave it all on the floor.

It's pricey, and if you are not committed, like anything, it will be a waste of money. For me? Great investment.
Do you think the workout is too hard though to the point it wouldn't be benificial to me? I have done dieting and eating well successfully before, so I know what works for me there, it's just the exercise 'program' I can't find to fit my needs.

I suggest trying it - it doesn't hurt to try - and if you like it keep at it, if you find it is not to your liking find a way to get exercise that you do enjoy. :) I've tried gyms, treadmills, exercise tapes and I never stuck with any of it because I hated every minute of it. I finally got a Wii and the Wii Fit Plus and it's helped me to drop 26 pounds in two months. Bottom line is if you aren't enjoying your exercise you won't stick with it. So find something you like and do it. :)

Good luck, hon!
P90X is hard and it wasn't for me. I could do the exercises (mostly). However, it was not enjoyable and I simply couldn't spend that much time exercising. It took away from my family and other responsibilities.

This being said. P90X does claim up front it is time consuming and challenging. All I am saying is that it is not for me. At least while I have a family to spend time with and other responsibilities.
Any program where you stay consistent and lower your calories will get you results. P90X is a great program for people with zero workout experience and just kind of do w/e. It's nice to have a regiment to follow and stay motivated with. Give it your best, even if you can only do 5-10 push ups. 5-10 push ups, rest, 5-10 push ups, rest = results if you stay consistent.

Go for it...
^What Nedo said! Do what you can, and next week, aim to do more.

I'm on my 10th day of P90x, and as Tony says, "do your best and forget the rest!"
You will get progressively better at the workouts the longer you do them, and that goes for anyone in shape or not. The point is to push yourself, but thats not the same as totally killing yourself either! My very first P90x workout, I only got through 30 minutes of it before I stopped. After that, I decided to take breaks when I needed them, as long as I got through the entire workout. And Tony encourages that, if you need a break take it, if you have to modify something, go ahead, just do what you can as long as you're moving.

P90x also got me through... well I wouldn't call it a stall, but it ramped up my weight loss. Last month I was lazy and didn't hardly work out at all, and only lost 4-5lbs the entire month. After 10 consecutive days, i'm down almost 7lbs. And while I -used- to be athletic as a younger girl, i'm not what you'd call "in shape"! Like anything else though, you get what you put into it. If you phone in the workouts, you won't see a lot of results.

As far as time consuming, I suppose it could be. But you can always break up the workouts into two parts of your day if you have to. They run about an hour to 90 minutes depending, but once you've done what you can of a workout, just skip to the next chapter and you'll save time.

But thats me, I like having my workout be a challenge, and I get bored with doing the same routine every day, so P90x has enough variety and enough difficulty to keep me interested. Some people don't like the no-frills workout stuff, so things like turbo jam and zumba may be more motivational for them, and its all the same as long as you work it!
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P90X is an excellent program that you can definitely modify if your body requires it. If the program is too hard, take a few extra seconds for a break, do as much as you can and write down your progress. Over the weeks and months of completing the lifestyle change, you will get farther through the program, need less breaks, and perform better. I am doing P90X as well, if you want, we can work towards our goals together VIOLATION REMOVED
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If you can get it for free, take a test drive. If you are thinking of paying then get this


Actually get that anyway. Its better and much more educational.
for the record, i'm now on day 20, and down 9lbs, and I think something like 6 inches since I started. If you're afraid of hard work, nothing will work for you, you have to push yourself in whichever workout you chose to do to get the results you want. And i'm a chick, so you men out there don't have any excuses lol
I have P90X and am looking over the material. I did look at the intro dvd. My current exercise is keeping my weight stable and I am able to eat sensibly. My perception of P90X is that it is when you want to take your body to 'the next level.' I don't think it is for the overweight/obese as much as it is for those who want to really fine tune their physical machine...and it is all good. You just have to decide where you are right now and what you need.

I would think that if you are obese, finding the right diet and right exercise is the goal with the key of finding that motivating factor(s). If you are overweight to maybe 'baggy around the edges', you can probably tighten the food and accelerate the exercise. If you are already capable of decent physical activity and want to really become a lean machine, p90X maybe.

I run about 20 miles per week. I am thinner than I have ever been. I am also 48 and there are spots on my body that I wish were tighter...that is why I am looking at P90X. They want an hour a day from you...while that may not seem like much, it can be draining...and it is intense. Our lady friend Kellylmt posting above is a motivated machine from her posts...she will kill it.

So, where are YOU right now?
I want to do P90X. I'm interested in the workouts, not the meal plan (which a lot of people have said has too many carbs). I'm fat but fit (more or less) and feel like I would like to try this "muscle confusion" thing to maybe kick me into the next level of fitness and weight loss. I know it's going to be really hard to start with, but I'm ok with that. Plus they do things in P90X that I wouldn't do on my own, so I think it'll be good learning experience and maybe I'll end up incorporating some of it into my daily workouts at the gym.
In the p90x program, they modify each exercise so that everyone can follow. Also, you aren't in competition with anyone, so you do what you can do, and try to do more next time.