only want to lose fat in arm and leg...


I was just wondering how I can lose the fatness in just my flabby arms and huge leg because everywhere else, I'm skinny enough. And not really lose a whole lot of weight. I know this heretic, but what can I do so that it's not as disportional or so noticeable. Everyone in my family has this "chicken extremities." What should I do? :eek: :confused:
Unfortunatley spot training ( working out one place to lose fat there) doesn't work. Even though you stated that you were skinny , are you eating healthy right now? Are there somethings you could be cutting down on? If yes do that, along with various arm exercises. Try not to focus on just one muscle, and make sure to hit the triceps. The exercises wont get rid of the fat but will add muscle there, and if you start eating healthier Im sure you should be seeing some results you like. :D godspeed!
The previous post is right. You cannot spot reduce fat in one area. Would be so nice if we could. Maybe if you are skinny in other places you could try to build muscle there and then try to lose some fat all over and you might be more balanced out. Hope that helps.

I know my wife was complaining about the fat on her arm - "chicken wabble" - she calls it. We don't belong to a gym, so the sollution had to be something at home. The thing she found works best for the results she was after was push ups. At first she couldn't do much of the girlie ones. But eventually she was able to do about 10 normal ones and you could see some definite difference in her arms - less fat look and better tone. Good luck to you and I hope this helps.