One Month Results


New member
Today I weighed in for my monthly weigh in since I started my weight loss journey.

I started at 198 lbs and am now 179.6 lbs. A total of 18.4 lbs lost.

Here are the before and afters I took the day before I started my diet and today.
As measurements go: I have lost:
Arms- 1 inch
Bust- 2 inches
Waist- 3 inches
Stomach(around belly button)- 3 inches
Butt- 1 inch
Thigh- 1 inch.

I'm kind of bummed. I don't see much of a difference. The front view I see that my arms look thinner and the place where my breasts meet my arms looks smaller as well. Baby steps I suppose.

Anyone out much weight do you have to lose to see significant change?

Thanks guys!
You are off to a great start! It's very important not to get discouraged if you don't see visual results right away. I can notice a difference in your arms and tummy, and you will get better results with time. One month is really not that long, just keep at it and you will do great.