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New member
I'm real surprised that no one has posted anything regarding Yoga ... I thought that was a fairly big trend, and fairly affective. Is anyone on here taking yoga??
I take yoga
Yoga is great for flexibility, stress relief, and overall muscle. I've been invloved with Yoga as a student and assistant in classes.

Yoga has taken away about 90% of my issues centered around a car accident from years ago.

What is being taught by most today in the USA is not real Yoga, but it still works.
Yes. Very few in US know about real yoga. Yoga system of healthy living was developed in India some 4000 years ago. It has got many branches one of which called Asanas and is practised in US. I do practise Yoga and seen so many benifits
Are there different types of yoga? For example, does yoga involve isometric contractions? Or is it focused more on flexibility/stretching positions?
Yeah, I think there are a few different flavors of yoga...or US yoga anyway. I don't know which is which but 2 common ones Hatha and Iengarya (that's probably spelled wrong).
My experience with Yoga is that it's to me a relaxing, stress release when I'm fatigued...:eek: my teaching at the gym is kind of laid back a little too much so I find it kind of boring...
I've never done yoga, but I teach Body Balance, which is Tai Chi, Yoga and pilates based. I started teaching it about 2 months ago, and I love it. I have to say, it's basically been the cure for my back injury!
Never heard of body balance but it sounds interesting.
I have done yoga as well as tai chi (or a form from a video)and pilates after awhile it feels like your always repeating things would love something that mixed it all up.

Don't know much about the different types of yoga I learned from tapes and then just made up my own practice but do find that it helps with flexibility big time and like the idea of each time getting things to go just a little further or a little less wobbly.

I like doing it before bed as I find I sleep alot better once the days chores are stretched out of me.
no one

I actually purchasred TWO yoga tapes but have not done them yet…

sign me Intimated!!!!!!!