Weight-Loss No binge, no purge - one day at at time.

Its interesting some of the different factors that play into assorted, somewhat unhealthy behaviors. Rob, you and LaMa have hit different aspects of it. I've done a little exploring too on some of the science to it because of my own issues, and a lot of it still comes down to the "reptile brain". Anything that feels good tends to release chemicals like dopamine in your brain, so we build these neural pathways from our behaviors. A certain food tastes good, gives us pleasure, releases dopamine, makes us feel good i.e. "comforted". Where a lot of us go astray is that once we've built these pathways, if we have a genetic, epigenetic or learned behavioral trend toward excessive use, we begin to go astray and start using it as a coping mechanism.

This pretty much works for all of it. Eating, drugs, alcohol, sex gambling... Something hits that sweet spot in our brain that starts releasing those chemicals and we begin to rely on it to cope until the behavior becomes unhealthy. Now our normal levels of dopamine aren't as high UNTIL we use that coping mechanism. Since we're now naturally low, all of the rest of the stuff that stresses us out (fear, anger, loneliness, etc) seems that much worse, so we binge more on (insert coping mechanism of choice here) and the cycle repeats itself, potentially getting progressively worse.

It's kind of a scary merry go round.
Oh, the evolutionary drive to not starve and rather make use of times of plenty definitely plays a role as well, especially but not exclusively in people who've had times of food insecurity in the past. I never did but I was a bad eater who threw up a lot as a kid (~ 5x/week for years), that probably messed up some stuff in my brain as well.

Good night and let's continue to chip away at this binge crap.
Thanks LaMa, and we will keep trying to chip away at this, I think (or hope anyway) that we are making progress. I believe times of food insecurity were the norm for most of human existence, not having them today is a very odd turn of events. I doubt that I have thrown up 5 times in my life, once it goes down my body ain't about to let loose of it.
This pretty much works for all of it. Eating, drugs, alcohol, sex gambling... Something hits that sweet spot in our brain that starts releasing those chemicals and we begin to rely on it to cope until the behavior becomes unhealthy. Now our normal levels of dopamine aren't as high UNTIL we use that coping mechanism. Since we're now naturally low, all of the rest of the stuff that stresses us out (fear, anger, loneliness, etc) seems that much worse, so we binge more on (insert coping mechanism of choice here) and the cycle repeats itself, potentially getting progressively worse.
I sure recognize that pattern in myself, but only with respect to food. I have always thought food addiction to be particularly hard to shake because you have to eat something. If an alcoholic or drug addict had to drink or use 3 times a day I'd think stopping, or moderating, would be harder. I don't really know, no personal experience and no expertise, just impressions. TDT, I know you have had problems with other addictive things, is this right?

No binge today, and I was too busy to have many urges. In fact as bed time was coming I had to eat more to bring my calories up for the day to where I wanted them. Problem is when I do that stopping seems even harder...

Let's not binge tomorrow.
I binged last night, waited to post longer than I should have, don't feel good about it. I had a real long day yesterday, went exploring for places to take the trailer, left home at 7 am, did not get back until 10 pm, did ok on the trip, but got home exhusted and then binged when I should just have gone to bed.

No binge today so things are better.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that, my friend. I didn't binge yesterday but I did eat too many sweets. Finally figured out what's been bugging my stomach all week and removing it meant much less satisfying meals. Add fatigue and up went the snacking. Not too bothered by it because today's the last day anyway but not great either.
Glad you did not binge, but I continued to, Saturday night and Sunday morning. I have been ok since, and am trying to figure out how to stop this.....
I think I made it without bingeing today. Ate fewer calories than normal, but did it by not eating my usual high calorie evening snack, result is I ended up below my calorie goal. I think not trying to eat a lot to bring my calories up at the end of the day made not bingeing easier. Of course I know some of my binges have come after this post, will try to keep that from happening tonight.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
I hope you made it to bed safe and sound. I was so exhausted yesterday I ate everything I could get my hands on. All in all I didn't gain weight over my vacation though, so that's good. Will try to eat well for these next 4 days and then see how it goes when/if at my parents.
Did ok today so far but am very tempted to binge now (6:20 pm). Would be so nice to stuff my face with chocolate right now... But I don't want to gain weight. Bought a super nice top today and genuinely liked how I looked in it: I don't want to ruin that. Maybe I should go for a walk instead. Or go to the gym? Gym might actually be nice.
Bought a super nice top today and genuinely liked how I looked in it: I don't want to ruin that.
Funny how that works, I really like feeling good in a size medium tee shirt, worry a lot about losing that if I gain much more weight. For me its not enough to keep me from overeating though, or it has not been historically. Hope you were able to keep those urges at bay the rest of the day LaMa.

I did ok last night, and am ok so far tonight, but I still have to make it to bed... And it sure would be easy to eat along the way. Maybe I need to start posting here first thing in the morning.

Let's not binge, tonight or tomorrow.
No binge today, not so far anyway, and I think I am ok.

I am beginning to come to the conclusion that gaining a few pounds has made me feel better. Only problem is I gained those pounds because of binges... Don't want to get to thinking binges are a good thing, I know they are not.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
Are you getting that strange feeling that it's somehow hard to get to your daily calories without unhealthy food but you don't want to add the higher calorie stuff because of binge urges? That's such a mind fuck for me. If you haven't already switching to full fat everything is a nice way of sneaking in more calories without feeling you are.
Hi! I am a binger and I am here to learn about some tips you use to avoid binging and to halt a binge in progress (IF that is even possible). Thanks for any advice!
This thread has been very quiet lately but reading back might give you some tips (and snackless time-killing) regardless.
i love to loss some weight