night time appetite suppressant

I know it all comes down to discipline, but I have a problem with always wanting to eat late at night. I'm looking for a good appetite suppressant in the form of a pill or powder that I can take at night time. Has anyone tried any appetite suppressant that actually works? Other than water or caffeine!
Any pill that forcefully suppresses your appetite has got to be crap for you.

Your appetite will be better regulated if you have a regular eating schedule. If it's all over the place, you'll find yourself getting hungry at more random times. Also, add more protein and fiber to your diet. Those will keep you feeling full for longer. And stay away from added sugar and sweeteners, as the insulin response will make you more hungry as well.
I have the same problem! Some nights I'm fine, others I'm hungry -- and I can't sleep if I'm hungry. Unfortunately I think most appetite suppressants are stimulants, which wouldn't work for nighttime. What about some low calorie soup at night if you have to have something? Soup is very filling, and the warmth is great for relaxing. I love the Progresso Light soups myself, only 60 calories a serving, delicious, and very filling!
You could try a low-carb protein shake. There are those who say that eating protein before going to bed will mess up your sleep. Then there are those who say that eating protein before going to bed is good. Find out which one of these "rules" is true for you.
Have you tried eating more vegetables with your meals? The fiber in vegetables keeps you full for a long time and might help you overcome night-time cravings.
Try a product called PGX Daily Singles. I use the stick/packets and add to 30 grams of Whey Protein about a 1 1/2 hr after dinner otherwise I want to start eating again. It's a super-fiber that absorbs about 600x it's weight in water and becomes very thick and filling in the stomach. Try or for best price depending where you live West Coast/East Coast.