Newbie Here!!!

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New member
Hi Everyone!
I am new here and I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself.
I am a 22 year old proud single mom of a beautiful 3 year old son. As much as I love him he is the main reason I need to be on a weight loss board. Man, if only I had realized what having a baby would do to my body! :eek:

I am 5'5 1/2 and I weighed 118 when I first got pregnant. I ate whatever I wanted and ended up weighing 170lbs by the time I gave birth. (OPPS!)
I waited about a year before I did anything about it. Inside I thought it would just 'fall off' by itself since I never add a problem gaining or losing weight before him. Finally I realized I would have to actual have to, yuck!, excercise and diet. My mom and I joined Weight Watchers in April of 02 and I got down to 123 by Jan 03. I stayed that way for about 6 months and started to gain about 10 lbs back(got a new BF and got too comfortable) I realized I needed to do something and I would yo-yo between 132 and 122. In the spring of this year, I got depressed. Lost the BF who I loved, had money issues and felt like I wasn't doing anything promising in my life. I am an emothional eater and I got back up to 141lbs.
I tried putting myself back on Weight Watchers and I think I lost about 10lbs. (I don't have access to a scale right now.) I feel like I eat too little calories when I am on it and want to try to build up muscle as well as lower my body fat percentage and lose inches. I am starting Body-for-Life as of today and need the encouragement and support of others to stay on board. Has anyone else done this diet.excercise regimen?

Thanks for reading this and I hope to talk with ya'll soon!
Heya Ginny

Welcome to the board, there are really knowlegable people here that will certainly help you, they've given me alot of awesome advice. I'm sorta going through the body for life program on a dry run for a month to see if I can keep up with it. I'm starting the real thing on Oct. 1st, just waiting on my bowflex to get here.. So far the program is great, helped me keep a routine which I really needed, I do alot more cardio than they have you do in the program because I feel I need more, I do use the myoplex shakes they can be a bit expensivem $55 canadian for 20 shakes for me, but they do help out alot especially to help get your protein, mineral and vitamin requirements. Also its a pretty good motivator when you see all the people that have really transformed themselves and how great they look. Well good luck to ya, you shouldnt have any problems getting back to your slim and trim self!
Ginny, i didn;t breast fed my first child, but the second i did, i loss weight quicker and my figure returned to normal faster as well, keep that in mind if you plan another child, to breast feed, it really makes a difference, also a second child keeps you busier and moving more.
HI there,

I haven't done the program myself, but a friend of mine has. She started after having her fourth child and she looks GREAT. I don't know how closely she follows the plan, all I know is that she exercises 6 days a week for approx. 45 min and that she alternates weights and cardio.
So, if you decide to follow that plan, I am sure, you will accomplish your goal.

Good Luck!!:)
Hi. Welcome to the forums.
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