New Years Cutting Scheme

After 2.5 months of bulking up I didn't only gain quite an amount of strength, but also 15 pounds overall weight.
Time to burn the fat off now.
But I've got to be careful.... Since I began bulkin my breasts have grown at least a cup size from the water retaining ability of creatine and of course from the extra fat.
I don't want my breasts to go saggy so I've got to take it slow. This means really no more than a pound weight loss per week.
I'm planning to do this for 3 or 4 months. After that I'll just try to upkeep my bodyfat and gain further strength again. Hopefully I'm finally going to see the sixpack that I can feel under my bellyfat.

I had an appointment made at my local gym for a scheme that is going to differ from my own routines and I was told it will be ready today or tomorrow.
The timing looks suspiciously like a New Years resolution.....but I planned it this way so I wouldn't walk with the extra fat in belly shirts. Autumn/winter is the time for bulking up.

My current supplements are whey powder, creatine and some cupboard nutritions like chromium tabs, beeryeast, wheatgerms, ginger...and so.
I decided to drop the creatine for a while in case it does work better when cycled. Currently I'm building this off so my body won't deflate too hard.

This is my start of the cutting scheme.
1. Started to really keep up filling in my eating schemes again.
2. Try to keep the kilocalories between 1800 and 2000 for this week and the next week.
3. Protein - carbs - fat ratios at 35% - 20% - 45%, except in the weekend when I load back the carbs
4. Enter an almost daily routine of drinking whey and doing 30 - 45 minutes of cardio right after waking up.
5. A whole new scheme for weightlifting. AFAIK I'm going from a 3 x 10 routine to a 3 x 25 routine now.
6. Raise the coffee intake from my current 1 cup a day to some more. And I'm especially planning to get back at my former routine of the daily cup (ehm pint) of green tea.

Ofcourse I won't be eating clean tomorrow but I'll just see that as a carb loading phase. :)
good start!!!!! get going pal!!!!!
just curious what type of workout you are doing?? and what your ultimate goals are? good going on the work you've done so far looks like its really paying off. haha glad to see another member around my age too, there are not too amny of us.. and i have to ask from what you have said in your post, and i hope i'm right or i'll feel like an ass, are you a female?? if you are its good to have another serious female on board. if your not opps. sorry !
I can understand that mentioning something like "cupsize" in the same sentence as "breasts" doesn't say "female" all to obviously as many men in this sport have bigger breasts then I have. But .....(checks)....I'm a female, yes. :)

Ultimate goal? Dunno yet.
Currently I'm aiming at what Grace Jones looks like in the movie "Conan the Destroyer" but who knows where my standards go when I reach that.
Two years ago I thought I'd be happy if I would only have a slight belly. But I achieved that last summer and then I wanted a sixpack....

You know what another almost similarity between us is, Jenn?
My height is 5 feet 4. I'm somewhat petite too. :)

My day today so far:
Exercise: none, back, biceps, pecs and hamstrings still hurting.
Food: 1725 kcal, 134 grams of proteine, 113 grams of carbs (bf fed me chocolates), 83 grams fat.
A bit high on the carbs. Gotta stop my bf from spoiling me with chocolate stuff and eat less sandwiches.

Gotta buy a a lot of gurkins to wrap up with chicken filet to keep the newyears carbflood down :)
Guys can look great in belly shirts too.. :)

On the diary:
-Today is my first day in 2.5 months without creatine supplementation.
- Yesterdays calories were a bit higher because I forgot a piece of macarel and I had a glass of milk for midnight snack.

I don't wanna note todays is NO diet day. Although I did get the gurkins and chicken filets.
You should start a diary int he mensection under the diary thread so you can track progress and get tips for the guys. lots of us have threads there and its quite helpful. and btw here in Canada where I live guys do not where belly shirts ever.. lol :)
For some guys it's a shame that they don't wear them...or skirts.. ;-)

I was planning to use this thread as purely a diary.
I'm already putting a lot of extern advise in it as it is, so I'd rather check out what the results of those pieces advice and my current knowledge will be.

But you got a point there that amazed me when I first saw tese forums. Why split it up by gender when it's actually all about style?
haha i completely agree with you, al though its nice to have a serious female lifter on board. lol i'm getting there. slowly but sure enough.. good luck with it .. i'll keep checking it out..:)
Sunday was a disaster. Not too amazing as there were a lot of left overs that I just couldn't get myself to throw away.
A total of about 2327 kilocalories
152 grams of proteins
211 grams of carbs (Aaaaaaargh!)
100 grams of fat

Start of the new exercise scheme! The trainer who made it had a huge triumphant smile telling another trainer how I asked for a totally different scheme while I was sweating on a new cardio device called an "Arc Trainer" (It's a heavy machine!).
The scheme had at least half an hour of cardio stuff to start with.
Happily there was also some weights at the end, among which some exercises I never had done before.
Oh hell yeah that was different! I left the gym still panting and at home I had trouble painting because my muscles were still trembling.
1710 kilocalories
133 grams of proteins
127 grams of carbs (Oops! too much banana and bread!)
78 grams of fat

Lazy day...not even a morning cardio.
My shoulders are hurting, which is great because they are legging behind.
I expected to have more aches in my legs but they are fine.
1555 kilocalories
143 grams of proteins
87 grams of carbs (almost on scheme!)
72 grams of fat

My weight so far:
I began on 67 kilograms and I'm still on 67. Too bad because I stopped creatine supplementation on saterday so I expected to lose the weight I got when my body began soaking water. :-(
But I'm also glad that I didn't lose too much strength.......ehm...yet?
Darn...forgot to update this part of my diary for a while..
There is still no weightloss at al. Disturbing to think that creatine made me gain weight in just a few days and now nothing changes when I stop.... Looks like I'm gaining instead?
I must say that not all my days were so clean indeed.

Went to the gym and didn't like the 90 minutes workout. Having all the cardio in the beginning leaves me weak when lifting weights. And 90 minutes IS way too long if I want to avoid the cortisol stuff. Cortisol sucks.
Total kilocalories: 1505
126 grams of protein
83 grams of carbs
70 grams of fat

Junk/refeed day!
Done at least 30 minutes of cycling outdoors.
Total kilocalories: 2722 (oops!)
145 grams of protein
228 grams of carbs (oops!)
132 grams of fat

My bf forcefed me chocolate he actually bended my rubber arm.. :)
Total kilocalories: 1698
122 grams of protein
149 grams of carbs (oops!)
65 grams of fat

Stats of today are not done yet, but I know that this day is a good lean day with veeeeery little carbs.
BTW. I switched most of the cardio in the scheme to the end and added a pause between most of the exercises and the last half hour of cardio. Because...well, cortisol sucks!
I'm amazed you haven't lost anything yet - must be that evil chocolate pushing boyfriend of yours ;)

Good plan moving your cardio to the end of your workout, I did that and I still found enough energy to put the hours in. How often are you eating?

Perhaps the creatine still in your system and holding onto some of that moisture? Keep at it, I'm sure it'll come soon.
You have no idea how evil he is!
Yesterday I almost succeeded to have my carb intake below the 40 grams......then he comes with a toblerone bar...after I did workout! (don't wave the yummy type of carbs in my face after workout, it's my weakest time)
So I had a junkday instead. I was planning one for today or tomorrow actually...

I did lose an inch of my waist........but probably I measured it wrong last week....I think...dunno.. :-/

So far:

Evening workout....pffff! Again the scheme turned out more than an hour, so after a small hour I take a pause and drink half of my post work out shake, then continue the rest of the exercise and as I planned the longest piece of cardio.
Much better!
Total kilocalories: 2571 (oops!)
228 grams of protein (oops! now that is a bit much...)
86 grams of carbs
146 grams of fat (holy cow!! sheep!)
This day I found out some sort of sheep meat (dunno the english name) is ultra fat. It was responsible for about 1000 kcals and almost 80 grams of fat! I'm so not going to buy that stuff again!

Just a bit of cardio in the form of 45 minutes....ehm, I mean 42 minutes, on my own crosstrainer in front of the telly.
Total kilocalories: 1786
162 grams of protein
116 grams of carbs (oops!)
78 grams of fat
Not perfect, but getting way better!
I might have left the spaghetti out and the.....(grabs dictionary)..croquette. Especially the croquette.

Done a good evening work out at the gym again. I felt a bit weaker than usual though....I'm pretty sure the creatine left my system..... I'm missing it! Waaah!!
This day I started great eating almost no carbs. Just whey powder shakes with my usual stuff in it and the sauce with grounded meat from yesterday and some salmon......then my chocolate fiendish bf stroke again and after that I didn't resist his offers of beers either.
So here comes a junkday.
Total kilocalories: 2546
161 grams of protein
157 grams of carbs (oops!)
112 grams of fat
Aww....and I started off so good!

Today however I'm doing better. so far I haven't come any further than 26 grams of carbs (they're hard to avoid when drinking whey with wheat germs and beer yeast and then eating dextrose after workout, but hey I hate cortisol even more than carboverloads.) Gotta check out how to get the fat intake a bit higher though.
So far so good, the day is almost over and with the final snack I'll take in one hour this days stats are:
Total kilocalories: 1374
167 grams of protein
32 grams of carbs
61 grams of fat

I've never eaten so little carbs as far as I can remember!
About 18 grams of the carbs today were from the post work out shake.
Total of kcals is a bit low though for now and I'll have to make up for it tomorrow if I want to do another 2daily huge workout. :)
And I did my morning exercise on the crosstrainer again. Had to break off after half an hour though due to an unexpected visitor. But at least I managed the minimum exercise.
Yay me!
Wednesday 11 januari:
I exercised my a.....behind off, included the pause and dextrose again in the middle and had no trouble exept boredom to finish with cardio on a torturing device called an "Arc Trainer".
Total kilocalories: 1785
185 grams of protein...a bit overdone
95 grams of carbs...a bit of oops
85 grams of fat
Ran a bit out of hand.... Halfway the day I noticed my fat intake was low so I ate some fat lowcarb saucage to specifically get some fat.....then my evil bf strikes again! Steaks, fried potatos and gravy! I can not resist fried potatos....I luv them! And the steak was an excellent medium raw on the side of raw.
Purrr....purrr......darn! :p

Thursday 12 januari:
Morning cardio on my crosstrainer...went so good I did it for 60 minutes! Then I forced myself to stop.
Total kilocalories: 1445
167 grams of protein...overdid it again thanks to my own recipe protein bomb muffins
40 grams of carbs
80 grams of fat
Woot! That was LOW carb!
I deserved the box of icecream that I'm gonna get tomorrow!
According to calculations I should either get a medium sized box or a small sized one plus a bar of chocolates to refeed back the carbs I deprived me from.
And I'm gonna eat them before exercise...I definitely want the energy!
Friday 13 januari:
Sometimes things go wrong on fridays the thirteenth........I went a bit too far in my carbfest and couldn't stop drinking till I was drunk before going to the I stayed home indstead. Aww...
But I had good fun emptying a bottle of wine and a liter of beer and eating icecream. :)
Then I didn't feel like eating the chocolates anymore.... The good news is that I still don't want them so they'll remain in the fridge.
Total kilocalories: 3900
135 grams of protein
330 grams of carbs....that should do it...right? ;)
115 grams of fat

Saterday 14 januari:
Did a big exercise again...a total of 2 hours....ofcourse split in 2 again.
Didn't feel like eating bad stuff at all today...eww!
Total kilocalories: 1595
165 grams of protein
85 grams of carbs
70 grams of fat
Oops, got a lot to catch up with..
At the end of it...this day that is there was quite a discovery: my scale was a kilogram off.
I stepped on it and it said 66 kg......okay that was what I expected.
I stepped off it and it said 1 kg........that I didn't expect.
This *might* explain the lack of weightloss in the first days when I expected the waterloss from quitting creatine....

Sunday 15 januari:
Exercise: Morning cardio, 40 minutes
Total kilocalories: 1515
135 grams of protein
70 grams of carbs
75 grams of fat

Monday 16 januari:
Torture at the gym, one hour of warmup and weight training, rest and then 20 minutes cardio
Total kilocalories: 1450
125 grams of protein
85 grams of carbs
65 grams of fat

Thursday 17 januari:
Morning cardio, 45 minutes
Total kilocalories: 1560
145 grams of protein
65 grams of carbs
75 grams of fat

Wednesday 18 januari:
Yet another gym session except that I skipped the cardio and biked some more later on the day due to an appointment. So it's still the usual 1,5 hour total but with a much longer pause.
Refeed!!! (pudding, riceporridge......oops, too much for dinner too!)
Total kilocalories: 3015....ooops....
185 grams of protein
305 grams of carbs...oopsoopsoops!!!
120 grams of fat
Vowing to plan my next refeed much more carefully and more important: foolproof!!

Thursday 19 januari:
Morning cardio.....60 minutes! I had to stop myself because it was going so easy!
Total kilocalories: 2050...oopsie
155 grams of protein
90 grams of carbs
125 grams of fat
Reminder: spareribs are bad for diets.

Friday 20 januari:
The usual 1,5 hour at the gym and enjoyed the new sauna they have there now.'s hothothot!!!
Total kilocalories: 1595
160 grams of protein
110 grams of carbs
55 grams of fat

Saterday 21januari:
As I said above I "lost" a kg on the scale...hmmzz...
Remarkable: I lost an inch waist!!!!??? Didn't expect that so soon!
45 minutes morning cardio.....not easy because there was nothing interesting on tv and I NEED a new system on my laptop!!
Together with the egg that I'll be munching in some minutes:
Total kilocalories: 1420
165 grams of protein
80 grams of carbs
45 grams of fat

1. Recently I got myself a wok and I like it and it's very easy to make lowcalorie meals with loads of veggies in it that taste grrreat! Yay!
2. 21 days without creatine....yay I can start again tomorrow!
3. It's hard to go lowcarb when there's good bread in the house all the time. Veggies are already loaded with the stuff and most of all dextrose is. And I do want my dextrose in my post work out drinks! Not that it seems to matter much though as apart from the crazy scale and measuring tape I know what I see in mirrors and reflexions: I am starting to look better. And most reliable: my belt is loosening up on the width I'm currently using so I don't seem to need to go extremely lowcarb or I just do some days very lowcarb.
4. I need to plan the refeed...ehm junk days more tightly. One temptation too much and the calorie level goes berserk...bad!
5. I need to concenrate more on the weightlifting. I'm lifting as heavy as I possibly can but I'm not getting any muscle aches anymore lately.....must be doing something wrong..
Hi, I suck at keeping diaries!
Especially since I'm also doing the eating schemes already on my virtual desktop.
So I still got them all

Monday 23 januari:
Total kilocalories: 3415
150 grams of protein
220 grams of carbs
110 grams of fat
Needless to say this was a junkday :)

Tuesday 24 januari:
Total kilocalories: 1695
130 grams of protein
85 grams of carbs
95 grams of fat

Wednesday 25 januari:
Total kilocalories: 1200
100 grams of protein
90 grams of carbs
50 grams of fat

Thursday 26 januari:
Total kilocalories: 1580
155 grams of protein
115 grams of carbs
60 grams of fat

Friday 27 januari:
Total kilocalories: 2335
130 grams of protein
160 grams of carbs
230 grams of fat

Saterday 28 januari:
Total kilocalories: 1565
140 grams of protein
90 grams of carbs
65 grams of fat

Sunday 29 januari:
Total kilocalories: 2320
140 grams of protein
110 grams of carbs
145 grams of fat

Monday 30 januari:
Total kilocalories: 2880
145 grams of protein
260 grams of carbs
140 grams of fat

Someone fed me good marihuana the day after a junkday.....baaaaaad timing!

Tuesday 31 januari:
Total kilocalories: 1590
170 grams of protein
85 grams of carbs
65 grams of fat

Wednesday 1 februari:
Total kilocalories: 1960
170 grams of protein
110 grams of carbs
95 grams of fat
Doing fine all day....then dinner gets out of hand badly...
So easy to screw a diet up!

Thursday 2 februari:
Total kilocalories: 2650
160 grams of protein
195 grams of carbs
140 grams of fat
Did I already mention that marihuana is bad for diets?

Friday 3 februari:
Total kilocalories: 1455
130 grams of protein
45 grams of carbs
85 grams of fat

Saterday 4 februari:
Total kilocalories: 1385
135 grams of protein
90 grams of carbs
60 grams of fat

Sunday 5 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1220
135 grams of protein
100 grams of carbs
35 grams of fat

Monday 6 feb:
Total kilocalories: 3655
125 grams of protein
420 grams of carbs
145 grams of fat
Ate oven fries this day because they're not so fat as snackbar fries.......but there's one big drawback to them: they don't come in small packages!!!
Note to self: fries are one of the most evil kinds of fastfood.
Avoid fries most of all foods!

Tuesday 7 feb:
Total kilocalories: 2225
155 grams of protein
130 grams of carbs
125 grams of fat
My evil wellmeaning bf fed me quality chocolates......sigh...

Wednesday 8 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1365
130 grams of protein
60 grams of carbs
70 grams of fat

Thursday 9 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1265
120 grams of protein
95 grams of carbs
45 grams of fat

Friday 10 februari:
Total kilocalories: 1275
125 grams of protein
55 grams of carbs
60 grams of fat

Saterday 11 feb:
Total kilocalories: 3005
170 grams of protein
375 grams of carbs
105 grams of fat
Note to self: don't tell my bf when I'm having junkdays because he just loves stuffing me.
The cake made it go very out of hand adding the 720 kcal, 11 proteins, 87 carbs and 45 fat that I didn't plan!!

Sunday 12 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1550
115 grams of protein
85 grams of carbs
85 grams of fat
Because there was still a bit cake left the fat is a bit up on this day.
Other than that I planned it in quite good I think..
I also started noting the times I ate and planning some snacks ahead.

Monday 13 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1430
165 grams of protein
45 grams of carbs
70 grams of fat

Tuesday 14 feb:
Total kilocalories: 3925
185 grams of protein
290 grams of carbs
200 grams of fat
Evil valentines day....can't avoid the chocolates....and chocolate milk with lots of whipped cream on it and on my body... :)

Wednesday 15 februari:
Total kilocalories: 1635
130 grams of protein
95 grams of carbs
85 grams of fat
The meat for dinner was a bit fatty again....darn!

Thursday 16 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1460
105 grams of protein
100 grams of carbs
60 grams of fat

Friday 17 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1560
115 grams of protein
120 grams of carbs
45 grams of fat

Saterday 18 feb:
Total kilocalories: 4000!! AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!
130 grams of protein
320 grams of carbs
235 grams of fat
Being stoned is even bad on junkdays.....specially when there's fatty carby food lurking somewhere like leftover can of whipped cream. The numbers are very vague estimates as I have trouble recalling what I stuffed myself with.
Note to self: keep carrots handy next time I'm stoned for I'll be lazy enough to munch up the carrots before taking the journey to the fridge.
Note 2: whipped cream is baaaaad! If I had thrown it away I could have kept out 1000 kcal and 100 grams of fat!

Sunday 19 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1500
120 grams of protein
70 grams of carbs
80 grams of fat

Monday 20:
Total kilocalories: 1675
140 grams of protein
134 grams of carbs
65 grams of fat
Chili con carne is evil......yum, just couldn't stop!

Tuesday 21 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1205
120 grams of protein
40 grams of carbs
65 grams of fat

Wednesday 22 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1300
120 grams of protein
85 grams of carbs
55 grams of fat

Currently I'm on 64 kg and I can wear my 30 inch jeans again although I suspect it's actually a 31 inch after years of wearing out....
I'm still adding plates to my weight exercises so probably my muscles are still growing despite contradicting theories...
I admit fully I blundered a lot past month. Still I lost a bit of weight but not as fast as I wanted....sigh.
I learned from my mistakes though.
- I don't keep nuts and dried fruits around anymore because every time someone offers me a joint I get munchies and no dates or walnuts can survive that.
- I made a list with junkfoods and their foodvalues in the quantities they are sold in. I would post it, but it's in Dutch.... But it helps me to plan junkdays better...wiser.
- I'm cutting the junkdays in half, having less time to eat bad food
- Each time I have too much kcal by accident I call it a junkday and move the next junkday further away.
Thursday 23 feb:
Total kilocalories: 1105
125 grams of protein
65 grams of carbs
45 grams of fat

I rock and deserve the junkday of tomorrow which I very carefully planned with my bf.
Now his mind is so set on the pizza I'm gonna make tomorrow that he'll probably won't think of other bad foods. And if he does then I'm still having a quite normal junkday because so far I filled the day with about 1900 kcals the grams of carbs beneath the 200 and a hardly 100 grams of fat.

Todays cardio was 45 minutes. and then my bad foot (the left one) went numb but I wasn't tired at all.
At least my endurance has more than doubled since the beginning of this year.