new to all forms of exercise

Hello. I am thinking about getting a pilates video and was wondering if I will be able to handle it. I havent done any exercise in 8 years...since high school. I think pilates would be great for me because I have some back pain and need to increase my flexibility (I cant reach past my calves when I try to touch my toes). But I read a few posts that say its best to take a class first. I think I would feel like a fool in a class. Can I get good enough instruction from a video that I dont hurt myself? If so what would anyone recommend? Thanks.
I found that when I first tried pilates it was done in a class format but I understand what your saying if they tell you to sit like this and you can't its easier to handle on your livingroom floor than some gym floor
I found that Gaim made some excellent pilates tapes for beginners, slow and explained as they went, another one to try is pilates for dummies again slow and explained as they went.
I would think the only wait to avoid hurting yourself is to go as far as you can go and do what you can do not what they are doing. Modify Modify when needed. Soon you'll be able to keep up with the group!
Hope this helps
Before I started my Pilates work out, I read a book about the excercises. I really helped me when I started the videos. I use Kathy Smith's videos and it's doing wonders for my body.

When you start them, you may not be able to get through a whole video (I couldn't,) but each time you try you will be able to do more. The little you do at first will help in the meantime.