New Surgery in Singapore


A new surgery for weight loss in Singapore, non invasive, where they tie up part of the stomach you fuller faster. There is a whole hospital dedicated to doing this. A lot of success story. My husband is seriously considering although I adviced him against, told him to try other methods first and that should be the last resort.
I really dont think thats new......dont they have it here where they put a plastic band around your stomache? It really will be the same thing as just eating lots of small meals, its not some super secret weight loss thing. With that band thing you just cant eat big meals or you puke or something like that, if you have any discipline at all just eat small meals throughout the day.
It has been around at least in the states for quite a while its called gastric bypass, and is only for ppl who are severly overweight. they basically reduce your stomache to the size of a golf ball(it can strech back after surgery if your not carefull) or lap band where they put a band around your still have to watch what you eat you still have to exercise and its very risky and expensive. not a good option but thats just my opinion :)
does it have any other affect than just not letting you eat a ton at a time? I watched some real life thing on MTV and some kid was just eating whatever he wanted basically thinking that the surgery was going to be some sort of miracle. With the type of foods he was eating, I kind of doubt he is in any sort of healthy shape. Sometimes people dont realize the dedication it takes to have a strict diet and actually stick to it
does it have any other affect than just not letting you eat a ton at a time? I watched some real life thing on MTV and some kid was just eating whatever he wanted basically thinking that the surgery was going to be some sort of miracle. With the type of foods he was eating, I kind of doubt he is in any sort of healthy shape. Sometimes people dont realize the dedication it takes to have a strict diet and actually stick to it
I mom had the surgery, she thought she'd be skinny again but could eat the same way as normal. Thats a big misconseption people have,but you still have to diet, eat right, excersize, ect to get and keep the weight off.

Also, I have an old friend who had the surgery, although she did loose alot of weight, the surgery almost killed her. She had to be shipped to a special hospital and was on life support for a while. She could only eat ice cubes or baby food for a long time. Later she sued the hospital for $1million and won!
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Actually what I mean is that , normally these procedure are expensive and can only be done in private expensive hospitals ( thats how it is here) but now, its available openly in a goverment hospital and you can get the goverment to pay part of the cost.

I read what you guys wrote, im going to tell my husband about this, he is so serious about this. I dont belief that surgery would do good with the risk involved.

Futhermore, my husband is not a big eater but a HUGE eater, I dont think this well help him, he eats HUGE portions at one time, then sit and rub his stomach or lie down and sleep, just like a phyton after a meal. LOL
if your husband is a huge eater and not willing to make the changes,then this would not be for him. even thoung the stomache is reduced so small you can barely eat more than like 2-3 tbs at first after surgery(you get really sick if you eat more) over time forcing bigger amounts of food in will strech it back to a bigger size. your also on alot of supplements after bc of the small amounts of foods you eat(and the way the bypass i preformed).as i said before you still need to diet and exercise or you can gain it all back,its not a quick fix and it can be very painful. you also loose alot of weight fast and if your really over weight your left with loose skin every where(that may not go back depending on your age genetics and how long youve been overweight) i know some about this bc it was something i looked into yrs was not for me and really not worth the risk of death, i manage to loose over 100 lbs by myself(and believe me i have no will power)so i know it can be done,
good luck to you and your husband though i hope you can find a better solution :)
Weight Gain in Singapore

Its amazing how science developed innovative ways to keep our body fit. A lot of slimming pills and teas are availabe in the market today, offering the same result... To lose weight... A surgery, where doctors will put some kind of a bag inside your stomach, so you always feel "full" so you don't eat that much, will help you control gaining weight.

But have you ever thought of doing simpler ways to maintain weight, like going to the gym to lose some pounds, or knowing the right foods to eat? See, we have three factors to consider in weight gain, Basal Metabolic Rate, Energy Expended, and Thermic effect. Using these factors, we must calculate the energy we use during physical activities. So what is the point of this? It makes us aware of how much calories we use everyday, knowing the right amount of calories to take everyday will help us maintain the right weight for us.

Its not wrong to do or undergo some surgeries, especially if you have the money, and you really want to look good, but as long as you can do simpler activities to maintain weight, why not try it?

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Tht will be good.

Hello there,
I was there in Singapore for 1 year and i haven't heard . Is that done in Johns hospital..could you please provide me details for this. Thanks in advance.
Yea.. I've also heard of the procedure before but it seems very dangerous. I think the best way is to keep a proper diet, have a balanced meal..

But u nv told us, did your husband go for it in the end? The surgery, I mean.. And anyone knows the cost? Heard it's rather expensive..

If all else fails, I think the best method is to just suck it in..

Something like this:

Lol... :sifone:

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