new runner, please help!

hi, everybody. i am 20 yrs old 5'7" and 131 lbs. don't weigh that much but i feel like i'm really flabby. i am not really in shape yet, but i recently started running 3 miles on the treadmill about 4 times a week. i don't know anything about fitness, and my only problem area is the back of my thighs and my butt. i'm wondering if running is a good solution, how much i should be running, what other exercises should i combine it with, and any other suggestions you may have! i want to slim down my thighs and tighten my butt and i would love it if anyone has any good suggestions to help me with my running program! thanks!
besides modifying your diet, that sounds like a good start.

heya, i am taking up running too!!! but the only thing i kinda worry about is people watching me, so i will go for a run twice a day, one when i wake up...about 7am, maybe 6.30am and go run around the country lanes for about 30mins. then i can walk to school instead of getting a lift. Then i get exercise riding my horses and doing more chores, so ishall do more of those! and i can go for a run just before it starts getting dark. And i will walk until the place i usually start running. I wil lstart tomorow morning i think! i just cant give up sweet things, and i am eating way too much choc, buscuits, crisps, sugar etc. Im guna cut down on the sugar instake, so instead of 2 tsp sugar, i shall have 1. And for snacks i shall eat fruit, or these helthy low fat bars. :) i hope ur running goes well, i just got to watch my bad knee and back :p
I have the exact same problem as you. I know that im not overweight but i feel like i need to be more toned. Ive started doing a very basic all over weights program combined with cardio to reduce my overall body fat and hopefully improve some definition. Now i just have to find some way to keep myself motivated...can anyone offer any advice on how to keep myself going?
You should do some sprinting and speed work incorporated with your running. My butt seems to get sore on days that i do hard speed work.
Zoe, i think you're on the right track, just make sure that you stick to working out and don't quit. I see that happen with lots of people. Also make sure you are getting all the right vitamins and minerals. My sister got very skinny and sick at one point while she ran cross country because she was lacking vitamins.